Paleo / Primal Experiences

I was wondering if anyone was following the Paleo or Primal ways of eating. I"m looking into them both and was just looking to hear some opinions from other people!

Thanks! =)


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I've never eaten so much coconut in my life - and I think it's doing me some good :-)
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Been doing it since early april and it has worked out well for me.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I love it. I don't miss bread at all. I eat tons of fat and feel satiated. Very few cravings. My diary is public if you're curious. Primal/Paleo isn't for everyone, but I think it's the most delicious way to lead life!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I love it. Been about two months now. Yes, lots of coconut and nuts in general...yummy!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I love it. I don't miss bread at all. I eat tons of fat and feel satiated. Very few cravings. My diary is public if you're curious. Primal/Paleo isn't for everyone, but I think it's the most delicious way to lead life!

    I agree with this too!!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I've been about 80/20 Primal (eating dairy and mostly whole, non-processed foods, keeping carbs <100 g/day, following MFP calorie recommendation) since early Feb. Don't miss potatoes or pasta; sorta miss bread, but rarely eat it now. I'm eating more fresh veggies than I ever have, small servings of fruit, moderate servings of fish, meat, eggs, Greek yogurt. I've lost 58 lbs. in 6 and a half months without feeling deprived or hungry. GERD/heartburn is gone. I'm really close to attaining a healthy BMI. I feel good!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I love eating primal, and am shooting to becoming fully paleo.

    Meat, oils, veggies, with tons of flavor and some amazing dehydrating for "cooking" is the way to go. My favorite nut receipe is a nut meat loaf. Yummy! Don't be afraid of trying some receicipies like raw food recepies that require dehydrating (small toaster oven set on low = 80 to 100 degrees) and is easy to do.

    Feel full fast, feel great, and learn so much more about food. And stay lean in a very easy way - the body just sheds excess fat if you stay with in sane calorie limits!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I love it. I don't miss bread at all. I eat tons of fat and feel satiated. Very few cravings. My diary is public if you're curious. Primal/Paleo isn't for everyone, but I think it's the most delicious way to lead life!

    I agree with this too!!!

    Same here. Paleo since March and the best thing to happen to my health and well being. My diary is open and happy to answer questions.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I've been trying paleo eating for about three weeks now and so far I love it!

    I'm not consciously restricting calories but I have tracked one day each week and I have only eaten about 1700 calories each time but I don't feel nearly as hungry during the day. When I was trying to do that on a (relatively) higher-starch vegetarian diet I was RAVENOUS all the time!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I've been eating primally about 5 years before I knew there was a name for my "diet". I figured out this was best for me with the help of a nutritionist. I was excited to find a growing community of people who do what I do a little more than a year ago. No grains for me but I do have some dairy, my carbs average about 10 to 20% of my intake. I took off and have kept off almost 40 pounds and fixed a whole host of health issues and I am not deprived. I eat too well to be deprived (because I don't eat bread and pasta).
  • rachpiper720
    Basically the only difference between primal and paleo is primal allows for some dairy, otherwise they are exactly the same. I follow primal because I can't get enough protein from meat alone, and eat cottage cheese and drink whey protein drink to increase my protein intake.

    I've been doing primal since March, and love it! I was eating a low-fat, healthy-whole grain diet, and watched my blood pressure and blood glucose skyrocket, hypoglycemia was nearly causing me to black out, and my fibromyalgia symptoms were killing me! Once I dropped the grains and most of the sugar, everything went back to normal. I've been suffering from fibro pretty much all my life, and this is the first time in my life that I feel normal. My insulin and leptin resistance is gone, I'm losing a lot of fat, and gaining tons of muscle. Oh, and I can sleep well!!!

    I say if you try it, try paleo first for and see how you do with out dairy. Then add in dairy after 30 days. 30 days is probably the minimum time let your body get accustomed to a new lifestyle.
  • ArnonsaeJ
    ArnonsaeJ Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am doing a September Whole 30 Challenge, I created a thread if anyone is interested in joining me!!!
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    I'm Primal!
    Lots of good info here and there are a bunch of us here. ITs awesome!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I love eating primal, and I'm heading towards paleo in all of my food choices.

    Just made a paleo pizza crust, and the pizza is sooo yummy, better than GF crust with all the unwanted carbs!

  • girlonamission34
    My story is identical to yours and I woke up this morning thinking I need to try the primal lifestyle and then I found your post and it is inspiration. I am scared because I never stick with anything and I am not sure how to get started. Going grocery shopping today and tips would help.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    My story is identical to yours and I woke up this morning thinking I need to try the primal lifestyle and then I found your post and it is inspiration. I am scared because I never stick with anything and I am not sure how to get started. Going grocery shopping today and tips would help.

    Welcome! I know Mark's Daily Apple gets thrown out there a lot but I really do like this site as a starting point. He's very easy to read, provides links to source material and is a prolific blogger. See Linsben's post above for the link to getting started, he has a primal 101 and a shopping guide. There are also some recipes here, some of my other favorite recipe sources are Elana's Pantry, The Food Lover's Primal Palate, Everyday Paleo, Nom Nom Paleo, Family Grokumentarian, and there are many others. I found in the beginning if I had a craving for a particular food (ex: pizza) I would google "low carb pizza" or "grain-free pizza" and then see where that would take me. And I learned to always be prepared in terms of food- bring my own or scope out the territory for the day- be it a party or dinner out- know what options will be available to you so you can make good decisions. Although that's advice I'd offer no matter what eating plan you want to follow.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My story is identical to yours and I woke up this morning thinking I need to try the primal lifestyle and then I found your post and it is inspiration. I am scared because I never stick with anything and I am not sure how to get started. Going grocery shopping today and tips would help.

    Stock up on Fresh meats (grass fed, pastured and free range if you have local farmers or the $$$ to spend in the grocery store) - if not, then buy the best you can.

    Stock up on lots of vegetables, fresh is best, but frozen is ok too. Try to buy what is in season and local to your area.

    Nuts, Pemmican, greek yogurt make great snacks.

    Limit the fruit consumption a bit (whole lot if your like me) while you in the losing phase...............increase fruit consumption when you have lost the weight.
  • MercKlebba
    MercKlebba Posts: 55 Member
    Fantastic diet. But I modernize it a bit. But I stick with the basics of the diet. I've had great success with it.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I've only been following it about 80% for the past 6-7 weeks and have lost 22 pounds. After reading Mark's book this weekend I'm going 100% starting this morning. Love it!