Haven’t exercised in 7 years

I’m obese and get winded even walking like a quarter mile, if that. It’s embarrassing how out of shape I am. I’m not sure how to start. Every program I find is for someone more advanced than I. It’s better for me to have a program, than just winging it. Please help 😊


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    PS - consider changing your screen name. It's not advisable to use your real name because there are a lot of weirdos in the world.
  • I got a fit bit and just started walking. Gradually increase the number of steps. Maybe start with a walk up and down the street for a few days. Then try the block. Then make a step goal per day. Stick with it and it will start you on the right.

    I have a garmin! My step count is 5,000 a day.

  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    Make sure you check with your doctor before you start an exercise program. And enjoy your walks!
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Start with something like walking, outside, track or treadmill. Begin with a minute, then daily add like 10-15 seconds. Not kidding, I did this in the immediate aftermath of my hip replacements. Before I knew it I was walking an hour or more at a time. Don't even worry about speed, that will come as you get comfortable and more confident. Perhaps you can find and join a fitness that features a pool that you can easily get into and out of (where I go has steps) and do the same, mild walking some low impact exercise; only that which can do adding one or two reps, 10-15 seconds daily. You should be able find trained guidance there.
    Above everything I just said, DO NOT for one second mind or even care what others are doing or look like! They do what they can do. This is about you! Do only what you can, what you feel is best in the safest way and stay with it! Best wishes!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Excellent advice above. I started with walking. I could barely walk 1/4 mile. In a few months I could walk a 5k. I also recommend strength training beginning of course with light weights. I worked with a trainer so hopefully someone else can recommend a basic program. It is frustrating that most workout programs are for more advanced people. It’s perfectly ok to modify and reduce back to what you can do. It’s a long process but you can do it!

    @lorrpb does incredible bike rides through amazing scenery. Sprint triathlon too? Really come a long way.
  • Thank you all. I really appreciate your time and advice!
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Just get moving. If walking 1/4 mile is too much at first, walk1/8, take a short rest then walk again.

    Make a game of it.
    Something like this:
    Week 1 Walk 1/8 mile(or a time period by or number of steps). Take 3 min break. Walk1/8 mile etc. do this for a fixed time 30-45 minutes
    Next week or time period. Try to shorten the beak by 1 minute
    Next try to lengthen the walk by a little but keep the break or even bring it back to 3 minutes
    And so on.
    Adjust if this is too hard or easy for you. You’ll be amazed how fast this will build!!

    Maybe make a goal- one mile or so many minutes consecutive walking or so many steps etc. make it small, manageable and doable so you will feel good once you achieve it!!

    Good luck. Keep us posted!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Excellent advice above. I started with walking. I could barely walk 1/4 mile. In a few months I could walk a 5k. I also recommend strength training beginning of course with light weights. I worked with a trainer so hopefully someone else can recommend a basic program. It is frustrating that most workout programs are for more advanced people. It’s perfectly ok to modify and reduce back to what you can do. It’s a long process but you can do it!

    @lorrpb does incredible bike rides through amazing scenery. Sprint triathlon too? Really come a long way.

    Yes I’ve done a few tris! Can’t wait to get back to biking season. I’ve tried the trainer but it’s torture 🤪
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I’m obese and get winded even walking like a quarter mile, if that. It’s embarrassing how out of shape I am. I’m not sure how to start. Every program I find is for someone more advanced than I. It’s better for me to have a program, than just winging it. Please help 😊

    Walking is a great place to start and given what you just stated, likely the best place to start. Many, including myself, started out walking. That was a bit over 8 years ago...I would get winded walking my dog around the block, but I just kept at it. I started with 30 min 3x per week and built up to 5x per week and then 7x per week and then started adding time to the point I was walking 60 minutes 5-7 days per week and then transitioned to more.
  • Thank you!! I have. Disney trip I need to be prepped for 😊
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Excellent advice above. I started with walking. I could barely walk 1/4 mile. In a few months I could walk a 5k. I also recommend strength training beginning of course with light weights. I worked with a trainer so hopefully someone else can recommend a basic program. It is frustrating that most workout programs are for more advanced people. It’s perfectly ok to modify and reduce back to what you can do. It’s a long process but you can do it!

    @lorrpb does incredible bike rides through amazing scenery. Sprint triathlon too? Really come a long way.

    Yes I’ve done a few tris! Can’t wait to get back to biking season. I’ve tried the trainer but it’s torture 🤪

    Yeah I agree. I used to use one outside. Little bit better for my cabin fever. And if it rains, well, I can go in any time I like, I don't have to ride an hour home first. But it definitely made me the crazy guy of the neighborhood.

    How far are you from Hurricane Ridge? Have you ever tried snowshoeing or Nordic skiing? Winter used to be really hard for me, now I'm sad when it's over.
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Start with something like walking, outside, track or treadmill. Begin with a minute, then daily add like 10-15 seconds. Not kidding, I did this in the immediate aftermath of my hip replacements. Before I knew it I was walking an hour or more at a time. Don't even worry about speed, that will come as you get comfortable and more confident. Perhaps you can find and join a fitness that features a pool that you can easily get into and out of (where I go has steps) and do the same, mild walking some low impact exercise; only that which can do adding one or two reps, 10-15 seconds daily. You should be able find trained guidance there.
    Above everything I just said, DO NOT for one second mind or even care what others are doing or look like! They do what they can do. This is about you! Do only what you can, what you feel is best in the safest way and stay with it! Best wishes!

    I did not mention strength training or lifting because simply because it's something I never cared for, enjoyed or did very well. My omission is not intended as condemnation. The closest I get to that is use of water resistance tools such as foam dumbells or webbed gloves for exercise involving arm movement.

    IAMGREATBEARD Posts: 126 Member
    Morning all my name is Ben I’m new here, I’m 32 and have finally woken up from my laziness to get back into shape I’ve been going for about 3 months now am have lost nearly 10kg I feel lighter stronger and I’m about to push my body to the limit to reach my goals, looking to meet people who have the same ideas and want to motivate and push each other 👌💪
  • SchweddyGirl
    SchweddyGirl Posts: 244 Member
    Start easy. Just do 15 minutes every day for a week, then increase each week by 5 minutes. So week one, 15 minutes a day; week 2 do 20 minutes; Week 3 do 25 minutes. Once you get here, Coach Jenny has a great 5K walking plan to get you up to walking a 5K.
