Birth Control Pills

I would like to know if birth control pills slow down weight loss???? I hope somebody can answer this question? Because I was a lot slimmer before I got on birth control. I also loss weight a lot faster before I was on birth control. I feel like this is the heahliest I have ever ate and the most I have ever excercised but I'm losing weight a lot slower :-(


  • Yes! Birth control can make you gain weight or make it difficult to lose weight.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    I think its possible. I know some BC can actually make you gain weight.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I personally never lost weight on B/C ever, in fact I gained weight on them. But don't get disheartened everyone is different. Good luck on your weight loss!
  • I've heard that it can. But I've been on them since May and I've been losing weight.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I am 30 pounds down and I've been on Tri Sprintec (birth control generic) for a couple years now. It may just be about finding which one works best for you.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Some people lose, some people gain. Depends on who you talk to.
  • Birth control will make u loss want slower....I noticed last month I wasnt on my pills and weight is dropping off me; normally weight loss be slow for me too!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've lost 25 pounds over 8 months while on birthcontrol.

    Yea the slow weight loss sucks, but the slower it goes, the more likely you are to keep it off.. so it's actually kind of a good thing.
  • My Dr. said that anything beyond 5-10lbs usually can't be attributed to OBC, but everyone is different. I went off of them recently after 15 years and have noticed no difference. For me, I just knew that even if they did cause weight gain, it was a heck of a lot less than if I were pregnant!
  • when i was on alesse i lost weight quickly. Im excited to start taking it again :P
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I have been on BC for years and I have had no problem since starting to lose weight. I think that as long as you watch what you eat and have activity in your life then there should be no worries.
  • Birth control pills effect different people in different ways.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I have been on the pill for several years and it does seem like it is now harder to lose weight. As far as I know there isn't any scientific research saying women on the pill do have a harder time. I would rather take the pill that be pregnant so I guess I will just have to work harder...

    Will be interesting to see if anybody knows of any actual studies about this...
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    I was one pill for a few months, and only gained about 5 pounds (but in about a month)... yes, it was because I was eating more. But i just couldn't control the urge to eat! Finally, I started eating well on the pill, but I didn't lose those extra 5 pounds! On top of it, I felt like absolute crap about myself... which would cause me to eat more lol... So i stopped taking them and have lost the weight that i gained, but I think most of it was just bloating.... but I feel soo much better about myself. So, for me it wasn't necessarily the weight gain that made me go off of the pill, but it was the fact that I felt sooooo horrible about myself (the pill is known to possibly cause depression)

    i also know a lot of people who have been on the pill and are absolutely fine... so it all depends on the person
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I have been on BC for almost 18 years and have never had a problem with weight gain/difficulty losing because of them. Though I have always been on low dose pills so maybe that makes a difference.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I was on Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo and still lost weight . I came off of them at the end of June and July turned out to be a tough month for me b/c I yo-yo'ed so bad but after a while I was able to start losing again I just think I had to work twice as hard. I was later informed by my OB/GYN that those particular pills aided you in losing weight (go figure!). While I was on the pills I think I averaged a weightloss of about 8-10 lbs per month and in August it was about the same because I lost 9.4 lbs total but I am no longer on the pills.

    I guess everything has to be taken into consideration. I started working out when I started taking the pill for many health reasons BUT I also didn't want to be the girl that said she gained weight "because of the pill" you know?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've never been on the pill. I was on the patch after I had my weight gain there. I'm currently on the shot and while there are horror stories about weight gain I have yet to have that side effect. I personally think many women allow themselves to blame BC for weight gain. If you workout and eat healthfully I see no reason why someone would gain unless it trully does send their hormones into overdrive...and if that's the case they can always change BC. I'm on the shot because it only has three main side effects (weight gain, possible acne, and bone density loss) far so good and the rate of becoming pregnant is less than that of those on the pill that use it 100% correctly. I'm planning on getting an IUD as soon as I have insurance again. 10 years and not having to worry about having a child would be wonderful.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Every time I've gone on the Pill my weight has sky rocketed. It definitely increases my appetite and makes me retain water more.

    The worst was the Depo Provera injection - 2.5 stone in just six months. Came off it, lost the weight gradually using low carb... then went on the Pill and the weight crept up and up again. Switched to a mini-pill (Cerazette), a few months ago and think my appetite is less than on the combined pill.

    For me, unless I come off the Pill altogether, I have to accept my appetite will be mammoth. Cerazette stops my periods, which is heaven, so I'm low-carbing to curb my appetite to counteract the effects.
  • beautybrainsbooty
    beautybrainsbooty Posts: 122 Member
    ABSOLUTELY. Not to mention the crazy mood swings, cravings and other "exciting" side effects. But most certainly they will stall and or completely shut down your weight loss. I was on for about 3 weeks and my weight did not go down an ounce. I worked out faithfully AND ate better than right. My doctor said it absolutely was the pills and hormones pumping into my once virginal body(!) IF you can figure out something else that works for YOUR body-by all means do it. Don't do the pills, its bad news if you are trying to lose serious weight. Be well!
  • Thetera
    Thetera Posts: 49 Member
    ive been on birth controll for 6 years, and it did make my boobs get bigger, but i never gained weight because of it. i got on the pill at 127 pounds and stayed 127 for three years untill i went to college. i gained weight from eating at a cafeteria where i could eat four huge meals a day and never work out, not my birth control. i lost 20 pounds, thanks to this site and i did it on birth control. so it is certainly possible.