
anyone out there believe in the product?do you mind telling me your story wether its positive or negative !


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    anyone out there believe in the product?do you mind telling me your story wether its positive or negative !
    Nope. Just another money making MLM.
  • Sorry to say the usual, but i tried these and the only pounds i lost was what i paid for it.
  • I tried it several years ago and I lost 16 pounds, but it got expensive and it was very tough to stay on. They just kept pushing more vitamins and drink mixes. I got very tired of it and quit after about 6 months. Not worth it at all!
  • RSoddie
    RSoddie Posts: 8 Member
    I love herbalife and it works for me you just have to keep up with it...plus im losing 2 to 3 pounds a week
  • My sister has lost 16 pounds on this... we use it to replace breakfast... It is helping us in losing weight...
    Basically it is healthy and the protein shakes are filling... but I just use it for breakfast. I have lost weight too
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I drink it, daily. Down 19.4lbs. Should mention that I drink it for breakfast since I can't really handle heavy food in the mornings so it works AWESOME for me.

    My sister drank it. She lost 61.6lbs with herbalife and has maintained her weight for 2 years going with a combo of healthy eating and exercise.
  • bump
  • scaccese2
    scaccese2 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Herbalife for over two years and it is amazing! I lost 80lbs and 60 inches in my first year on the products. I went from a size 18 to a size 9!!! I have been able to maintain my weight loss for over a year now. I have never felt better in my life. It does take a lot of hard work and determination, but with a wellness coach and the healthy products it is possible to lose the weight :)
  • sister in law used to sell it, we all tried it and it did nothing for any of our family. she gave up the business shortly afterwards.
  • Same here - felt like I was always hungry as you mostly only have meal replacement shakes and watery soup (LOL) and yes, they push to you keep buying more product so it does become expensive!

    My opinion........... after all the diet pills and potions over the years, the best way is FOOD. Don't replace it, learn to contol it - portion size and calorie intake - Needless to say I don't have a problem with Protein Shakes as they helped me when I was strength training (helped my muscles heal quicker) and would use them again!
  • Herbalife is simply a tool to use in your weightloss efforts. If you don't also watch what you eat beyond that and exercise, the products won't help. The shakes are designed to give you more of the things you need while being lower calorie. You can also lose weight without herbalife at all.

    As far as the quality of the products, the shake mixes are better than what you can buy off of a shelf in the grocery store from what I've found. However, you pay out the nose for shipping and handling to get the products.

    Pros: The shakes are around 250 calories but provide you with protein and fiber to help you feel full. They have built in portion control so there's no worries about did I take too much or going back for seconds. If you get the shakes through a store that sells them, there are tons of different flavors to choose from to mix it up. Also, they take literally seconds to make at home in a magic bullet or blender. If you want to start eating breakfast but can't seem to find the time, these are a great way to start getting that meal into your day.

    Cons: I found that because I didn't actually get to chew anything, my brain kept sending hunger signals because it hadn't registered that I'd eaten. It took about two weeks for this feeling to become less of an issue and I found that chewing gum directly afterwards helped out a lot. The products are expensive, so depending upon how much you are used to spending on groceries, they may be a strain on the wallet. I also got very tired of drinking my meals after about a month.

    Beyond the shakes, I've tried the beverage mixes and the protein bars. I stopped buying those though because the stores here preach all natural and then the beverage mix has not one, but two different kinds of artificial sweeteners in it. It just didn't sit right with me. If you don't care about artificial sweeteners, the peach beverage mix tastes like nectarines while the berry mix tastes more like Hawaiian Punch.

    If you have the money for them, can deal with a liquid diet for half of your day, and watch what you eat the rest of the day along with getting your exercise in, then Herbalife is a good way to go. If you're going through a store, they have coaches who can help you make the most of the products/program.
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    thank you everyone it seems 50/50 by the looks of it ..
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I have been on Herbalife for over two years and it is amazing! I lost 80lbs and 60 inches in my first year on the products. I went from a size 18 to a size 9!!! I have been able to maintain my weight loss for over a year now. I have never felt better in my life. It does take a lot of hard work and determination, but with a wellness coach and the healthy products it is possible to lose the weight :)
    But of course. You CAN'T say anything derogatory.
  • I like it. I have used the shakes in the morning in combination with exercise and counting cals on MFP. I lost 88 pounds while using it and am currently purposely gaining weight trying to add some more muscle.
  • I think you're probably better off eating real food, though some people seem to like it. My husband's ex-coworker tried to force everyone at work to buy some through him and he'd preach how much weight you can lose and he feels so much better now that he uses it. The only problem was that he'd down 2 double cheeseburgers with fries everyday along with whatever he ate for breakfast and dinner and snacks. It's not a magical elixir, it has to be in addition to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Love it! I started it 3 weeks ago and I'm down 4.8 lbs. I have so much more energy and I don't need my daily coffee.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Love all the "Posts: 1" Herbalife Independent Distributors that show up in these threads..LOL. I thought spamming was against the forum policies? One of the posts even has her phone number in it...lol. I'll write it down and send it to the crew at Howard Stern so they can prank call it. :laugh:
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    for me i think it could be great in the energy department
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I buy it. I didn't sign up to be a distributor. I just buy it from a friend that sells it. I love the LiftOff Energy Drink tabs and the Drink Siet Supplement stuff. The shakes are pretty standard. The wildberry drink mix helps carve your hunger a bit and tastes like gummie bears, it's awesome stuff. I pretty much only buy the lift off energy tabs and the drink mix anymore. I did notice I can get the stuff a few dollars cheaper on amazon then from my buddy, I mainly buy it through him to help him out. I do know they push the protein powders to go with theirs shakes pretty heavily and that would get $$$ The protein is like $30 and the shake mix is like $35 so $65 seems like a lot to me just for one canister worth.
  • I tried it for couple of months. Lost a few pounds, but it was because I was starving myself! Barely any calories, and I was CONSTANTLY feeling hungry. The shakes were pretty good for shakes, but costly. I have heard both good and bad about the weight loss and the gaining of it back after people quit. I gained plus, but I have also seen people keep it off.
    If you don't have issues with binging, and you can deal with the lack of chewing (my brain kept thinking I wasn't eating, so therefore I was starving it), then whats the harm in trying it?