I think I should try cycling class??????

Hi MFP's ~ I have been wanting to try spin/cycling class for a while. I bought the cushy seat a few months ago but still haven't gone :embarassed: I think I might give it a try tonight.

What do you guys think about spin/ cycling???? Any suggestions to get me through my first class with out looking like a dork :laugh: I have been going to gym classes, walking, hiking on average about 5 times per week for the past 2 months or more also just started a running 101 class....so I should be able to make it through the first 10 mins with no issue :laugh:

thanks for any advise :happy:

I just enjoyed a 4.2 earthquake....yee haa


  • I Love love love my spin class! I've been going the past couple of weeks and definitely feel the difference! I don't really sweat while I am working out... unless its spin class! This morning I was sweating 10 minutes into an hour long class! Don't get intimidated!! Just go at your own pace! Have the teacher show you how to set up your bike before class...

    Happy Spinning!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I love love love spin class. That's where I lost my first 20 lbs. Great cardio workout. You can pick different classes too that focus on different things...like cadence, speed, or strength. Give it a try...for at least 3-5 classes. If you dislike it after that, then at least you gave it a good try.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    i LOVEEEE cycling classes...YES YES YES!
  • I Love the spin class I was going to and I went like 3 times aweek before the club closed. I miss it badly and it is a great workout. I sat in the back for the 1st few times until I got up to speed. Then I moved to the front. Believe me you will get hooked. Just remember to stretch when done.
  • LOVE IT, do it. The thing about spin is, nobody knows how much resistance you have on your bike, so there is NO NEED to feel self conscious. When the instructor says to add resistance, if you are feeling really tired, don't add any more.

    Do get there early so the instructor can help you get your bike set up right, and enjoy!

    Tomorrow, you are going to hurt. GO BACK. Give it at least 3-4 tries before you decide if you like it or not.
  • Here's my first rule...stop worrying about how you are going to look. Believe it or not most people are not looking at you and if they are it is just because you are in their peripheral vision line. This is not to insult you, you're very lovely. However concentrate on the task at hand. Now as for cycling...I LOVE IT! I don't spin because there isn't a spin class at my gym. But I bike every weekend from my home in Yonkers NY to Manhattan. The amount of calories you will burn will be fantastic! And then you will find people looking at you and for all the right reasons! Wishing you the best on your journey!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Just went to a spin class today. I felt like a dork but because it is new I burned WAY more calories than running. I'm going to keep at it 2x/week. I think changing things up is good mentally and physically.
  • ilike2run
    ilike2run Posts: 34 Member
    love spin class--my advice--tell the teacher you're new, get help with proper bike set-up, wear comfortable walking/running shoes and if you reach a point where you can't keep up, just turn down the dial and free spin. That way, you are still active! Hang in there--it gets easier. I thought I would die the first time I did a class--that was 7 years ago and I'm goin' strong!!!
  • i love spin. and its a good class to introduce yourself to group classes, mainly because theres no choreography...and the instructions are simple. Your instructor will get you set up on the bike
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Spin class is my favourite work out - I do at least 3 per week. Like other responses, I advise you let the instructor know you are a newbie; enjoy the music and the vibe (endorphins will be kicking) and though you will feel lots of pain for a couple days after, that will subside as your body gets used to the seat.

    I tried my first class 10 years ago, and still a huge fan! Enjoy :-)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Thanks so much for the support and motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: I am going to get ready and GO!!!!!

    Looking forward to it :wink:
  • how did it go ?
  • Go for it!

    One (unasked for :smile: ) piece of advice from a guy that *loves* spin, even though it kicks my butt:

    If you find that you like the class, purchase a set of shoes that will clip into the pedals (most gyms have toe clips that you can slide normal shoes into on one side, and clips on the other). Usually they are 'SPD' type clips, but you can ask your instructor to make sure. Plan on spending about $100 or so, if you can do it, although you can always spend more. The stiffer the shoe, the better, support-wise.

    It is amazing how much difference having clipped shoes makes, as your cadence and 'spin cycle' in pedaling smooths out and you can really lift with your hamstrings as much as push down with your quads. Especially on the 'climbing' tracks, there is a *ton* of difference in the power you generate, and you're working more of your legs and body, too (i.e., hip flexors, hamstrings, etc.).

    Again, just go for it and have a blast. Someone already mentioned it, but I'll reiterate: No one knows how much load you're putting on, so just grimace really big and they'll all think you're a monster on the bike! :bigsmile:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Thanks again - I took everyone's advise and DID IT :bigsmile: I feel like I did really well. My lungs did good my legs needed a break here and there. I got through the whole class without a problem. uuuummmm but how long will my butt hurt????:embarassed: I wonder if I should go to another class tomorrow or give it a couple days?

    Thanks Dhaeve ~ You have given me another reason to go shopping:tongue: I will take your advise and get some shoes after I go a few more times and know I will keep spin/cycling in my routine.

    THANKS ~ MFP Rocks :heart:
  • good topic! I was thinking about trying spinning class soon as well! glad to hear you made it through your first class ok and it was fun!!
  • i'm happy that you did the spin class, i happen to be OBSESSED with them! If I were you I would do something else for your workout today just to let the muscles you used in class to recover, some other cardio or weight training maybe? I tend to stick with the same instructor for the classes I take. Her music choice is awesome and she kicks my butt without making me feel pain the next day. So my advice for you is to try out a few instructors and then stick to your favorite, if you are like me in a couple weeks you'll be working your schedule to fit in your class. Keep it up!