Personal Trainer Apps

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Personal Trainer Apps. I have been working out for the last month and I know I'm building muscle but haven't lost hardly any weight. I've checked and since I live in a rural area no trainers are available in my area. I just want to see results on this darn scale. I'm doing everything I know to do and think I need a little more help.


  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I would suggest weighing/measuring/logging your food. Be sure you are getting the correct amount of macros and stay hydrated. Be consistent and you will see a change.
  • MaggieRose73
    MaggieRose73 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Yes, I have logged my food for 30 days. This last week I have weighed everything. I'm currently on roughly 1200 calories a day. I have also increased my water. At 46 it is a lot harder to come off than it has been in the past. I know I need to be more patient. I just want to make sure I'm setting myself up for success.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Yes, I have logged my food for 30 days. This last week I have weighed everything. I'm currently on roughly 1200 calories a day. I have also increased my water. At 46 it is a lot harder to come off than it has been in the past. I know I need to be more patient. I just want to make sure I'm setting myself up for success.

    If you've just been weighing your food for a week, I'd get some more time in before I concluded that something wasn't working. Depending on what personal training app you're using, it is very unlikely that you've added any muscle weight in the last month (it's very hard to add muscle, especially on 1,200 calories), but what may be happening is that your new workout routine may be leading to some temporary water weight retention (to help your muscles recover). This can mask weight loss at the beginning. Keep at it!
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    While starting a new workout or exercise program can definitely cause some temporary increase in water weight, but if you've been working out for a month then this initial water retention may have passed and the fact that you're not seeing your weight go down on the scales is due to the fact that you're eating more calories than you realise.

    It can be a good idea to make your diary public at least temporarily so that the more experienced members can take a look and perhaps pick up on some common logging errors which trip people up.
  • Candy_lilacs
    Candy_lilacs Posts: 21 Member
    I use the peloton app. It has a variety of classes including strength training and boot camp. I think they give you a free introductory period to see if you like it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited January 2020
    I put on 7 pounds of water weight when I started lifting weights again so "haven't lost hardly any weight" is way better than I did when I went back to the gym ;)
  • MaggieRose73
    MaggieRose73 Posts: 12 Member
    Danp wrote: »
    While starting a new workout or exercise program can definitely cause some temporary increase in water weight, but if you've been working out for a month then this initial water retention may have passed and the fact that you're not seeing your weight go down on the scales is due to the fact that you're eating more calories than you realise.

    It can be a good idea to make your diary public at least temporarily so that the more experienced members can take a look and perhaps pick up on some common logging errors which trip people up.

  • MaggieRose73
    MaggieRose73 Posts: 12 Member
    When you share your diary does it also share your weigh ins and pictures??? Just curious! I don’t mind sharing my food diary would love to get all the help I could, but would prefer to keep my pictures private.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    I believe it just makes your diary entries public.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    When you share your diary does it also share your weigh ins and pictures??? Just curious! I don’t mind sharing my food diary would love to get all the help I could, but would prefer to keep my pictures private.

    Well, the best way to keep your pictures private is not to have them online, private or no. Every year or so FaceBook is in the news for violating users' privacy - you may think things are private, when they really are not.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I’m the same age as you and my weight stalled out for months. Then, it all came off at once. Be patient and continue logging. I also increased my protein when I started lifting and that’s when the scale made a big drop.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member

    Right off the bat I can see some things that need to be addressed which indicate that you're probably eating far more calories than you're logging.

    1. Incompleteness. There are several days where your logging looks incomplete. Entire meals missing and some that just look incomplete. I don't see any condiments, I don't see any cooking ingredients. These all contain calories that can add up super quickly. Logging needs to be complete. If it's used it gets logged.
    2. Volume measurements and generic entries. I see some entries logged as 'cups'. For liquids this can be OK but for anything solid it can be wildly inaccurate. All solid foods should be weighed on a scale and logged to the gram to ensure serving size. Related to this are the entries that are logged as 'bars', 'packages', etc. These should be weighed too. Also 'medium' banana. 'small' apple. Again, pop it on a scale and log in grams
    3. Fudging number. There are quite a few entries that have very odd weights that add up to a perfectly rounded calorie amount (5/8ths of can of beens for exactly 150cal) or very rounded weights (exactly 1oz or exactly 3.5oz) this seems to indicate to me that you're logging for what you want to see rather than what you're actually eating. How did you determine it was 5/8ths of a can? Did you sit there with a scale and trim the serving until it was exactly 1oz? Generally speaking accurate logging entries tend to be a little less precise.
    4. Prepared recipes. Finally there are a few prepared recipes that you've logged, the scrambled eggs as an example. Unless you created this recipe there's no way of knowing if that calorie count is accurate. The person who created the recipe may have used different ingredients, different amounts or just plain guessed and made everything up. If you're making a meal (like the scrambled eggs) log each ingredient separately as you make it rather than relying on prepared entries.

    This is just what I gleaned from your diary so I may be way off base but hopefully this gave you a few things you can look into and think about to help you tighten up your logging and start seeing results.
