Finally, Summer is over!

HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
Anyone else hate summer? It's all hot, sticky, sweaty, flies everywhere, etc etc.

Since we are now officially in Autumn, time for lovely cool evenings, leaves everywhere, and the xmas buildup! means Winter is coming!!! Snow!! :D:D Snow and Xmas turn me into a big kid!

Normally though i save up my Sainsburys points, and have about £50 to spend on snacks at xmas...but this year...i cant be doing that. Not sure what im doing to do instead though tbh...any thoughts?


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I wish for Fall. I'll be wearing shorts and sandals for a few months yet. It's 103°F outside right now (2:30pm) and if this year is like the past few, I'll be using my air conditioner into late October or early November. At that point, the leaves will start to "Fall" off of the few species of trees that actually shed their leaves here.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    umm save up money to buy clothes! ?
    i loove winter! :D
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I don't want Summer to end. It's in the 90s here today so it certainly still feels like Summer. :)
  • HowardRose
    HowardRose Posts: 138 Member
    Hell, summer never started in Seattle.
  • stephski07
    I dont hate summer but i do LOVE winter (except for the early morning de-icing the car!! boooo!).

    I love the clothes in the winter, can wear skirts with tights and boots! Love big cosey jumpers. I just think you can look more safisticated in the winter!! Yay! WINTER!!!
  • lijparsons
    I hate to break it to you , but it is not officially fall. The first day of fall is September 23. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you. :frown:
  • kelmcd57
    I love the fall and spring. I love the winter too, but I don't like that it lasts so long. But I really love summer. I hate to see it go. My fiance and I have been hiking/geo caching, a little, and we've been swimming a lot this summer. It burns soooo many calories. don't get hot and sweaty in the pool. I am a little worried about what exercise we'll be able to do together during the cold, winter months, (aside from joining a gym, which I don't like the idea of, right now). We have a treadmill, but again, we enjoy doing things together and can encourage each other to be more consistent when we exercise together.
  • shabydonner
    shabydonner Posts: 69 Member
    I hate to break it to you , but it is not officially fall. The first day of fall is September 23. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you. :frown:

    While technically that is true I did hear my local weather man say that meteorological speaking September 1st is the start of fall.

    I am so ready for fall, it is hands down my favorite time of year and I can't wait for those cool crisp days. I don't even think of going outside in this kind of heat and am really looking forward to an enjoyable walk outside as we get closer to the 60's here in Indy. I enjoy winter, and the snow, too but fall is like that best of both worlds. Warm enough to not have the icy sidewalks and snow covered streets and driveways to deal with but cool enough to finally pull out the long sleeves and cozy light sweaters. I am going to San Antonio for three weeks at the end of the month so I'm going to miss some of it but I know it will be waiting for me when I get back right before my Birthday (another thing I love about fall :) and seeing my best friend who I haven't seen in over 2 years will be well worth it.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Wait! The summer's over? Because the temperature here is 111 today and is supposed to stay that way all through the weekend even with the rain (HA!) we are supposed to get. But then again, I live in Phoenix. We only have 2 seaons: Hot (October - May) and Hell (June - Spetember). On occasion the Hell season forgets it's supposed to end and will converge upon October as well.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    What do you mean finally? I think Summer skipped us here in Seattle.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    With as much as 30-40 below and possibly several feet of snow to fight through I will take heat and summer all year long.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    we are over 100 every day! We actually got up to 109 this past week. Not so sure Fall is near for us. and we are in desperate need of rain. Our lakes and rivers are drying up!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Spring has just arrived in my part of the world and I'm pretty happy about that, winter is my least favourite time of the year - it's wet and cold and dreary and dark in the morning.
    The only problem with spring is my husband's terrible hayfever which has just started and will be here for a few months.
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    we are over 100 every day! We actually got up to 109 this past week. Not so sure Fall is near for us. and we are in desperate need of rain. Our lakes and rivers are drying up!
    You must live in DFW! Its miserable
  • methetree
    Wait! The summer's over? Because the temperature here is 111 today and is supposed to stay that way all through the weekend even with the rain (HA!) we are supposed to get. But then again, I live in Phoenix. We only have 2 seaons: Hot (October - May) and Hell (June - Spetember). On occasion the Hell season forgets it's supposed to end and will converge upon October as well.

    ^^ this!
    Can't wait for Hell to end... and no matter what it's over in November for me anyway! Back to the land of bearable temperatures, rain, seasons, and bugs that are less likely to kill you.
    meanwhile, I am trapped in the airconditioned house trying to stay cool...
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Glad to live in a region that experiences all 4 seasons well. Don't want summer to end though...just want it to be about 20 degrees cooler. I love that we get 18 inch snows in winter and over 100 degrees in summer. Spring and fall are the most beautiful though.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Summer is very much in full effect here in south FL. I don't even know what fall is. :frown:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    summer here is dry and no flies lol, but i def love the winter >_<

    I like when it is raining and i drink hot chocolate and see/hear the rain outside >_< i like to lay in bed with my electric blanket and my window slightly cracked and watch anime haha ^o^
  • Ireshgurl
    Winter?? :noway: You can have your cold freezing temps, feets of snow, minutes of defrosting the car, layers of clothes needed to be worn, and icy roads to be driven on. I dealt with that for 28 years and I am soooo thankful i DO NOT have to see snow ever again for the next 4 yrs!! I am totally enjoying life in Key West where i won't have to ever worry bout that white stuff again, lol.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Glad to live in a region that experiences all 4 seasons well. Don't want summer to end though...just want it to be about 20 degrees cooler. I love that we get 18 inch snows in winter and over 100 degrees in summer. Spring and fall are the most beautiful though.

    Yes. I was born and raised in Missouri. Love it! All four seasons have their own different beauty.