
ok so, i can now (in the UK) drink alcohol. it's difficult because i drink a lot. i didn't used to but i can, i do. it's a big problem because i know it adds up to a hell of a load of calories but i don't know what to do?! when i'm with my friends (who are super slim) i drink, they all do too, so i do more. i don't know quite how to deal with this, any advice?
my food calorie are fine and i can deal with but alcohol? it's really hard.


  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    just explain to them u cant drink or order virgin drinks im sure if they are true friends they will understand
  • rachyz88
    rachyz88 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm the same! I love drinking...and sumtimes dnt kno when to stop lol! Soo........what I do is make better choices in my drinks. Nothin sweet, fruity or mixed.... cus those drinks are the calorie killers. I stick to vodka (Flavored) and either sprite zero or diet coke! Yesss at first it's guna taste bland.... but the calories arent as high and you will still get that buzz :)
  • Its all about having something in your hands. When they are drinking beer try drinking water or a Diet Coke. I find I do the same thing, if I have one-I have many. Just drink a beer, then order a water, then a beer. Try to offset each beer with a water or something that doesn't have any calories in it.
  • Drink until you puke, problem solved.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    A few options -- go back and forth between water and an alcoholic drink --- most people don't even notice. So you are only have 1/2 of what you would.

    I'm not sure if you are drinking beer or something else. But, figure out the least calorie ladden drink. Frankly, when I used to go out, I'd do diet coke and rum and just do a plain diet coke 2/3 of the time and no one knew. AND....I knew it was time to go home when my drunken friends started to annoy me :)
  • Try drinking Vodka, Lime and Water instead of other spirits/mixers. Otherwise, low carb beer can be an option. Dance! As much as you can that night. The next day you have to be particularly careful - hangovers are the hardest days to eat well - no one craves a salad or an apple when they are hungover! ;o)
    Other than that - just slow down. You can save so much more money by supping on a glass of water inbetween drinks - and if you are drinking vodka lime and water, no one will be able to tell the difference.
    Good luck. And drink carefully :o)
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I'm going through the same thing and let me tell you my friend the drinking will sabatoge your dieting. Not to sound harsh while you are on this weight loss journey you may want to spend less time with the people that like to drink a lot. It's very hard when your this young to fight this sort of temptation but the earlier you do it in life the better and healthier your life will be. Alcohol is pretty much poison to your liver, you don't want to do that do you? J/K I used to be a binge drinker on the weekends, having 3 or 4 mixed drinks, and then I just said to myself I need to stop.. what has helped for me is planning ahead of time how much you will drink so you can calculate what you need to eat appropriately. For instance I have a two beer limit so I try to stick to that and I calculate how much exercise I will need for that day. That should help, best of luck to you!
  • What are you drinking? Even when it comes to alcohol, you can try to go for the lesser of all evils. If you were to have gin and tonic - yes there is still sugar and carbs in the alcohol, but it's far less detrimental than what you would find in beer. If you stick with just a few drinks that are liquor and tonic or diet soda, you can seriously minimize the amount of cals and carbs.
  • This might not be the *Best* choice, and I'm sure some people will say this is awul but it's what works for me.
    When I go out drinking with friends, and I want to drink (or get drunk) I do shots. I don't do mixed drinks because those are loaded with calories and sugary garbage. I know shots have sugar and calories in them, but atleast I'm not drinking soda or grenadine, and sugary juices on top of my alcohol consumption.

    So I just do shots and more shots. Chased with water or tonic water.

    Gets me buzzed and has way less calories.

    Happy Drinking
  • Drink lighter coloured beers, less calories. THE DARKER the more CALORIES! and stay away from fruity girly drinks, I love cheap beer, so that is deffinatly my weakness in the dieting scene, but the reason people gain so uch weight from beer drinking, isnt the beer its what you eat with it!!!! your more prone to not care and eat fatty foods, and also bar foods are bad. I dont go to the bar so thats not my problem but yeah drink light coloured beer and stay away from bar food!
  • Drink until you puke, problem solved.

    Hahaha brilliant.

    I usually eat less and exericise more on days im going to be drinking. Works out quite well because i get drunk much quicker!
  • Munched
    Munched Posts: 14 Member
    Oooooh, yep it's a prob! With me its about opening that bottle of wine on a friday night whilst my husband and me cook supper together and nights out with the girls. Try White wine spritzers, alternating with low cal soft drinks inbetween and when you are under pressure to drink, just think about how good it will feel to be healthier, into that dress or whatever and say nope, no thanks to that fat in a glass ( alcohol ). Good luck, you can do it!
  • ok so, i can now (in the UK) drink alcohol. it's difficult because i drink a lot. i didn't used to but i can, i do. it's a big problem because i know it adds up to a hell of a load of calories but i don't know what to do?! when i'm with my friends (who are super slim) i drink, they all do too, so i do more. i don't know quite how to deal with this, any advice?
    my food calorie are fine and i can deal with but alcohol? it's really hard.

    What do you drink? Try switching to something with less calories, like flavoured Vodka, with soda water and some fresh lime. It's actually quite nice!
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I am with you! I manage a winery so it is expected that I taste the wines on a daily basis and many of our events are wine focussed. I log my wine calories and am very careful to stick to that...I drink a lot of water during the day and carry one drink around with me for hours sipping slowly at parties.

    I can't go out drinking though and just have thing I am swigging pink fruity things and ordering double nachos! While I am dieting and trying to fix my lifestyle, I have freinds over or order non alchoholic cocktails so I can manage things better.
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    As with over eating, I think you could benefit from working out WHY you drink to excess.

    If its important to you for your sanity and not to fall off the waggon, work out which is best for you; switch to lighter options (whiskey on the rocks, gin and tonic, vodka and diet coke rather than beer) or go out half as much.