10lbs in 2 months??

Ok this is just a little question and I was wondering if anyone could help me out

My goal is to lose about 10lbs in about 2 months and i was just wondeing if it was possible??
I stay under my cal intake everyday and I also do regular workouts

What do you think??? It would really help me out if you guys could tell me if its possible

Thank you
Tanisha x


  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    Of course its possible!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Ive lost 8 pounds in three weeks. Totally possible. Its all about commitment and self discipline
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Defnitely! I honestly think if you worked at it hard enough you could do it in less than 2 months =] Or at least 8 lbs. (thats the most I have ever been able to lose in a month) actually, I lost 8 lbs a month consistantly for about 4 months before. Totally doable =] GL!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Ive lost 8 pounds in three weeks. Totally possible. Its all about commitment and self discipline

  • ShaoonaRae
    ShaoonaRae Posts: 60 Member
    I've lost 13 in less than a month. Don't ask me how, but I imagine 10 in 2 months is possible.
  • Definitely. I have been doing MFP for two months and lost 18 pounds! Be sure as you loose weekly to update you weight so MFP can lower your calories but be sure not to go into starvation mode or I meant to say be sure to eat your exercise calories so your body will not go in starvation mode and stop your weight loss....

    You can do this no problem.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Totally possible.

    I lost 20 pounds in 4 months, and I wasn't on MFP at the time. I was starting out at 157 back in March.
  • KuhlFIT
    KuhlFIT Posts: 23 Member
    I lost 5lbs. my first month and I had slip ups so yes, I think you can do it. Good Luck!
  • areittinger
    areittinger Posts: 69 Member
    you absolutely can do that! I have consistently lost 10 lbs a month for the last 3 months!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Ofc it depends on how much you weight now. Its far easier to lose 10lbs if you weight 250 than if you weight 150 lbs :)
  • Thanks guys this is all sounding very positive

    The only thing that i worried about is that I dont eat back all the calories that I get extra from exercising but thats because I dont feel hungry. Is that a bad thing?? I always make sure that i eat at least 1200 calories

    Tanisha x
  • Thanks guys this is all sounding very positive

    The only thing that i worried about is that I dont eat back all the calories that I get extra from exercising but thats because I dont feel hungry. Is that a bad thing?? I always make sure that i eat at least 1200 calories

    Tanisha x

    HAHAHAH!!! ROUND 4!! Hahahaahah! This is so popular tonight! Do what feels right for your body. Your body will not let you down!! Listen to it and take care of it. :)
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Yes definately. I've lost 16 pounds in about a month.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    definitely! I lost 10 pounds my first month. the first ten or so drop the fastest (at least for someone with my stats-- I lost the first 10 in a month and the last 16 in the past 4 months lol)
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    10lbs in 2 months is not only possible, but it's also a realistic number for healthy weight loss.
  • I lost my first 10lbs in about a week and half. The next 10 pounds came off in maybe 8 weeks.

    It does depend on where you are starting from. And as for eating back calories, I didn't eat back my calories at first - that's how I saw the significant change. Be careful though - it can get pretty ugly...I was consistently eating WAY below 1200 and getting addicted. :/

    Now..the problem is eating TOO much! Haha.
  • Anything is possible! I've dropped 3 1/2 lbs every week for about 3 months healthily. Just keep pushing yourself and before you know it, you've reached your goal!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Thanks guys this is all sounding very positive

    The only thing that i worried about is that I dont eat back all the calories that I get extra from exercising but thats because I dont feel hungry. Is that a bad thing?? I always make sure that i eat at least 1200 calories

    Tanisha x

    Ok here is the short and simple answer. First off, DO NOT EAT IF YOUR BODY ISNT TELLING YOU TO! Unless you are becoming malnourished, you shouldnt. I always feel sick if I eat after working out, so I simply just dont, normally weight several hours before eating again. Some people get very hungry, others feel full. Its part mental part physical.

    With eating calories back. Try to avoid doing this. If eating 1200 calories and burning off 300 calrories, and you feel sated (full), then you really shouldnt eat those calories back. BUT if on an occasional basis you do eat back your calories, its fine, because those calories have been taken away by the exercise. Not gonna get to into this part, because this has several factors, but to put it simply, if you can avoid eating your calories back, you will experience faster weight loss; but if you do eat them back, you will still lose weight