
Hi all. I've returned after a few years. Not sure where to start. I was in my 140s back in 2013. Since then my boot camp gym closed. Couldn't quite find the right match since. Then I got a new job in 2016. Started commuting., sitting at a desk. 2017 brought knee surgery, which took a year to recover from, and it's still not 100% anymore. 2018 was the worst. My house caught fire, living in a hotel for 9 months. During that time my Dad passed away , my son moved out. I broke up with my bf. Not making excuses but during that time my focus was not on me. Now that I've gained about 100 pounds my arthritis is painful and prevents me from doing what I'd like to.

Now for the good news. I moved back home in April of 2019. My son moved back locally. I landed a great permanent job at the office, I'm traveling again. I'm back at the gym, eating better, and have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks. My knees and feet feel a little better too. The more weight I lose the better they feel and the more I can do at the gym. I can't do my heavy squats anymore, or jumping or running but I can do so much more than last year.

I'm finally focused on me again and would love to see some support on here.

Thank you for reading my story.


  • berberry86
    berberry86 Posts: 7 Member
    Your story is so inspirational. You're awesome! Congrats on being able to move back to your home and all the other good news. I hope you continue to be blessed. As far as your weight loss journey, good luck and you got this!
  • wenwenfroggie
    wenwenfroggie Posts: 8 Member
    You’ve been through so much. Glad to see you are bouncing back. Good for you and best of luck!
  • jeagogo
    jeagogo Posts: 179 Member
    I'm glad that things have aligned to allow you to start focusing on caring for yourself again. For us folks who have to work hard to reach and maintain a healthy weight it can be catastrophic when major life changes get in the way of the routine we've built. Good luck and all the strength to you on your journey!