Back on after family issues

Hey all. I used to be on here as Danicus10 and left suddenly. There was a lot of issues with other family members and health issues so I got off to take care of things! My story well I am 27 years old veteran who suffered serious depression in my last year in and after I got out and went from 215 to 321. I started meal prepping and going to the gym in October of this last year. I currently am down to 294.8 pounds. I have switched to a mostly plant based diet with fish thrown in there. I have the most amazing wife and a beautiful 2 year old son who I need to be healthy for! Add me to your friends love to support your goals!


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Welcome back Danicus, hope your life from here on in is spectacular! Good luck in your journey and recovery; depression isn't easy. :(
  • berberry86
    berberry86 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there. Good luck on achieving your goals and hope all is well with your family :)
  • danicus14
    danicus14 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you and yes everyone is better. My mother almost died with a double pulmonary embolism and two weeks later my father had a massive heart attack due to a 90% blockage the doctor called this blockage a widow maker but he just finished rehab and they said his heart and strength is twice that of a young kids now!