when did you start seeing a difference?

smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
I've lost 11lbs, and i'm getting discouraged because I can't tell that i've lost any weight what-so ever. I knew losing 10lbs wouldn't be a big difference, but I thought maybe i'd see something in my face/etc.

When did you start seeing results? 20lbs or more?


  • ECB2011
    I've read a few threads on here in the past where people said that others around them didn't start seeing a difference until 30+ pounds or more. It's difficult for those that you see on a daily bases to notice your weight loss because of just that, they see you every day. Don't get discouraged if you don't see the results. You will definitely FEEL them.
  • woodyschic
    i've lost 28 at this point and can definitely see a difference (and i've been having others say the same). i'd say it was around 15 lbs that i really started noticing. the thing is, to yourself and those that see you often, it's not always as obvious. if you've got a pic from before you started losing, take it and then take a 'now' pic of yourself and compare the two....might be more obvious that way. and start taking measurements! that helps show you where you're losing.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I do have a before picture, but it was already after I lost 8lbs -- I didn't think I want to post pictures like that (because im very self concious) but I decided why not take a picture, if I post it, it will be because i've reached my goal weight and i'll want to show people the difference.

    I can't wait to lose another 20lbs :)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i didnt see a difference until about 20 lbs down, even though i had lost a good bit of inches and toned up
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    About 12 pounds or so.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It depends...within weeks I noticed my physical health was better as far as exercise went, and looks it took about two months or so...realized in pictures and other people. :) Don't get discouraged...Keep at it! :D
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    I didn't start noticing on myself until i had lost about 25 pounds.. it all depends on how much you weighed when you started. Great job losing 10 pounds though!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I really need to invest in a measuring tape lol
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I think alot depends on how overweight you are to start with. I noticed a difference after 10 lbs but didn't have too much to lose. And it came off a bit slowly so I don't feel like I look much different, but my clothes are definitely fitting more loosely.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Run into someone that you haven't seen since you began .. I bet they will notice the difference. I saw someone recently after her first 10 ... I didn't really see the weight loss as much as the glow in her face (getting blood to the surface from exercising) and noticed firmer arms and legs and that she just looked healthier and "fresher" if that is the right word.

    Keep it up! Do not let discouragement stop you! The changes will come.

  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Same here nothing changed except my strength. I only lost like 5-6lbs by now and stopped diet&workout a couple of times, because of being sick or being away from home :). One of my biggest problem is still that I get bored with workouts if you are like that too check out the following sites, you might find it more challenging and get some courage back from it.

    www.bodyrock.tv / www.myomytv.com / www.diet.com
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I think alot depends on how overweight you are to start with. I noticed a difference after 10 lbs but didn't have too much to lose. And it came off a bit slowly so I don't feel like I look much different, but my clothes are definitely fitting more loosely.

    I still have another 39lbs to go! my goal weight is 160!
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    Start taking pics!!
  • marquesajen
    I too have lost 11 pounds and before now I felt a little different, but I thought it was in my head, but this last week I am starting to see a change. It probably depends on your height, starting weight, etc. Don't get down though, I find that others notice it first sometimes. Keep going!
  • candicemaechling
    candicemaechling Posts: 152 Member
    I think it depends where u lose first if your a face/neck losser people seem to notice quicker
  • RhondaKay21
    Everyone is going to be differant. I think it depends on if you are working out. How much weight you have to loss. Someone that has a goal of 15 pds in going to see and difference faster the someone wanting to loss 100pds. Don't get discurraged by not seeing it right away. You didn't notice gaining the weight a pound at a time, but you will notice when you get where you want to go. Giving up or getting frustrated won't get you there. Just believe in you and where you want to be. Check with yourself in 90days. I bet you will notice then and will be saying to yourself. Wow! I'm looking hotter and hotter. :smile:
  • Bluejay789
    I saw my face shrink the first 10 pounds.

    I have lost 20 pounds as of today and I am wearing the same size jeans I wore the day I started on the website. The difference is I am loosing all over - so I am hoping that when I hit 30 pounds I will go down a pants size.

    By the way, I have 5'4" starting weight 190. Today 170. Hope to be down to 160 in 5 weeks. That's 2 pounds a week.

    Don't give up! You can do this. Set realistic goals and weigh the same time each week. I weigh on Friday mornings so I am so excited about my weight loss that I do not mess up the weekend when someone is trying to shove food on me.

    You can do it!
  • litlpineapple
    litlpineapple Posts: 63 Member
    I really need to invest in a measuring tape lol

    I got two at the dollar store. :happy:
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