Hi! I’m back! Looking for motivated friends!

I’m back again as I’ve gained everything back. It’s so disappointing and I feel like crap in everything I wear. 2020 is my year to get healthy, fit and keep it that way. I’d love to add some motivated individuals to help each other out! Let’s do this!


  • Cmoneybby
    Cmoneybby Posts: 30 Member
    I’m also back again, lost 30 but gained it back. Ready to lose it again! Feel free to add me for support!
  • jeagogo
    jeagogo Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome! I was in the same place in September. I was actually working out pretty regularly but my diet was awful so a gained quite a bit of weight and ended up back at my highest weight - a place I never wanted to get to again, but then of course life got in the way. Feeling awful in my clothes (and not wanting to buy new ones in a larger size than I'd ever worn before) was the motivation I needed to start prioritizing my diet.
    I'm so glad I made the choice to come back to MFP and take some time and energy to take care of all aspects of my health.
  • sweetmelissas80
    sweetmelissas80 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey!! Welcome and I’m new here and would like to make friends who are motivated in weight loss 🙂
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    @Ciannaselena you got this
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    Hey all. You got this!!! We’re all here to support.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,640 Member
    You are welcome to add me ....Wishing you the very best :)
  • cms3613
    cms3613 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! When the weight comes back it is a huge bummer but you did it once, no reason you can't do it again. I am in the same boat. :( Just remember it's for good health
  • accn1
    accn1 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi :smile: I'm also starting again, and would love to have a friend here so we can motivate each other 😁 I've also set a goal for this year to run a half-marathon, anyone wants to join? :)
  • JaeH45
    JaeH45 Posts: 3 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I was at 230 and went down to 108. I got pregnant, only gained 10 pounds during the whole thing since I was so sick, and then gained most of it back AFTER lol! Now I have to loose weight due to gallbladder issues. Sometimes I sit there and look at my pictures when I was tiny and want to cry! I miss it. I totally understand how you feel girl!
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    In the same boat unfortunately