i am a Carb girl!

Hi. My name is Johanna, and i am a carb-aholic. i have tried very hard over the last three weeks to not eat as many carbs, but when i don't have a serving with my meal, i feel unsatisfied. Does anyone have any tips or helpful suggestions to how i might be able to help curb this craving?


  • smoccardine
    I am the same way! When I started this I swore that I was not going to go without things I enjoyed, and that included pasta, rice, and bread! So, I did my research and found the best ways to prepare these items that would satisfy me, but stay within my calorie budget. I find that if I stick to the serving size (1 medium sized baked potato, 1/2 cup rice, 1/2 cup pasta) and the load up on the veggies, that I do great!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    skinnytaste.com has awesome low carb recipes!
  • obifatkanobi
    I'm much the same, so we just tapered back on carbs and incorporated more things with whole grain and high fiber. We still use regular pasta (I don't care for the whole grain it's just not the same) but in cases like this, it's portion size servings and lots of healthy foods with it, like vegetables and lean meats. It's working great, hope it does for you as well.
  • lavarockkid
    I have been very successful eating carbs, I could not stick with this plan (5 months and 65 lbs) and cut them out. I eat more protein than I do carbs, because the calories from protien make you fill full longer, but if I dont eat some carbs with it I dont feel well. I really dont worry about Carbs, I focus on one thing that is Net Calories.
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks. I have been sticking to the serving sizes, and i have had success on the scale. Just you hear so many ridiculous things about carbs. My fear was that if i had to start cutting them out all together that i was going to get frustrated and set myself up for failure. Good to know i'm not alone :)
  • kmumansky
    I used to try and fight my addiction to carbs...now I embrace it, lol. I'm never going to stop, I get super cranky when I try to drastically reduce them. I think a Carb addict can live a healthy life, just need to choose the RIGHT carbs. Get rid of anything "white" and replace it with whole grains. I admit I do still sometimes eat white rice and pasta...but I eat the brown rice/whole wheat or grain pasta more often than the white. Wheat Berries have become one of my most favorite foods! I eat fruit for a good number of my snacks, it's naturally sweet and it helps with my sugar cravings. This week has been bad as there is an abundance of M&Ms and I haven't been able to not eat them. Although I am sticking to only a half serving or 1 serving a day...except yesterday I had 2 servings.

    Anyway, I say embrace it by eating better carbs! Being healthy is super important, but life is also too short to be miserable and deprived of something you love!

    Just my 2 cents.