I am new as tonight

I am new as of tonight.

I would like to lose about 90 lbs I have attempted to try all diets but never stick with any of them. i am hoping this will be the one i really needed.


  • You'll do great on here as long as you're consistent with entering your foods. I feel the most valuable thing about this site is being able to enter your foods for the day even before you eat them so you can make sure you're meeting all your calorie / fat / protein etc goals and tweak whatever you need to in order to make it work and meet your daily goals. So welcome and good luck I'm sure you're gonna do awesome on here!
  • I'm new too. I'd like to lose 60 lbs. Good luck! :D
  • You can do it!!! This is a great tool, good luck :)
  • Ive only been here a few days and I love it. It helped me with my plateau.
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll love it here and all the amazing people lending support while we are all on this journey! Be faithful logging food & exercise; I log everything that goes in my mouth. Sometimes I'm over and sometimes I'm amazed how far under I am in my counts! Go ahead and add me if you like. Have fun on this journey!
  • sarahemily86
    sarahemily86 Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome to the site! It's a great place to log your food and exercise and not to mention there are lots of people on here who can help keep you motivated!

    Anyone looking for support, feel free to add me!

  • I agree with 06MustangGT. I do the same thing and by the time the night gets here, I know what I can and cannot eat for dinner plus see if I have left any calories for dessert! wlecome!
    You'll do great on here as long as you're consistent with entering your foods. I feel the most valuable thing about this site is being able to enter your foods for the day even before you eat them so you can make sure you're meeting all your calorie / fat / protein etc goals and tweak whatever you need to in order to make it work and meet your daily goals. So welcome and good luck I'm sure you're gonna do awesome on here!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    You can definitely do this! One of the great things about MFP is that you decide what you want to eat - it's all about choice. Just stay around your calorie goal for each day and you'll do fine. As others have said, consistency in logging everything you eat is key. Don't worry that people will judge- we're all here to support one another.
  • WELCOME! This is a great site with great tools and "friends"! Good Luck!!
  • I just joined one week ago. I heard about this site from my coworkers. The first few days you spend more time on the entries - then it gets easier after that. I'm getting my friends and family to join. It helps. Good Luck
  • cindysg3
    cindysg3 Posts: 12 Member
    I have logged in for 233 days in a row and have taken off 65 pounds and would like to take off another 9 or so. I make it a priority to keep track of what I eat. I set my goal for 1200 calories a day and when I reach it, I am done eating. I don't deprieve myself but have found I am unwilling to spend big calories on some things. This time of year, I do like ice cream so I plan ahead for it as an evening treat. Be honest with yourself and log what you have eaten throughout the day. Find a few foods that fill you up without a lot of calories. For me, I need the crunch of foods like cucumbers. They also act as a natural diuretic. When we are going out, I try to go to a place that has the known calories. Again, plan ahead and your life will be so much easier but don't become so obsessed that you drive yourself and eveyone else crazy. Baby steps will cover a lot of distance over time. Last, welcome to all of you newbies.
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    my mom recommended it she's lost thirty pounds and found this tool helps alot!