Tips please

Hey guys I need to lose about 5 stone for my best friends wedding in July, and I’m really starting to panic as I don’t wanna be the “fat” bridesmaid. Any tips or suggestions would be great also feel free to add me as a friend


  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    If my math is right, you want to lose 70 pounds by July? That seems like an aggressive goal. Maybe change your focus to just losing weight and adopting better habits? What happens after July? Many people have goals like this and think, "Then I'll just maintain." It's much easier to lose slowly which is in closer proximity to maintenance.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    You can for sure lose a good amount of weight and look much better than you would today by the July wedding. Don't panic and do the all or nothing mentality that many overweight people have. Either they starve and lose.. or binge and gain. Start a path to fit and healthy.. and of course you'll be looking good in July. Take the pressure off yourself by putting a certain number to your weight loss.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    I lost my first 55 pounds in eight months (so nearly 4 stone.) That was fairly difficult, though. It's good you're getting started early (now.) I looked good enough to go on a scheduled vacation in the Bahamas where bathing suits were the clothing of the day. I still had about 20 pounds to lose, but it was fine.

    Just start with logging food here on this site. That will be an eye-opener in itself. :)

    Then stick to it, make small changes where you can. If you have a day where you eat 3000 calories (hint: you WILL) just get back at it tomorrow. You only fail if you give up. It's not easy but it is worth it.

    Take a 30 minute walk every day or get some moderate exercise at least five times per week.

    Log food log food log food log food.
  • imxnianne
    imxnianne Posts: 216 Member
    Don’t want to sound like a negative Nancy, are looking good for the photos you’re only goal? Even if you’ve lost that weight, you’d probably gain a bit more. You’d need a better motivation to maintain that weight off.

    Other than that, you need to experiment imo what will work best for you. Everybody’s genes are built differently. Some work with keto, some work with working out. Some don’t even need to work out and just eat healthier.

    I do wish you luck though! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. July is very near already and 70lbs is pretty huge. I’ve lost 50lbs but it was not in 5 months.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Start. NOW!!
    I lost about sixty lbs in six months 70 in six months is possible. It was approx half of what I needed to lose so I still had a long (still unfinished) journey ahead. It does depend on how much you have to lose- it gets much harder as you get leaner.
    To do it- try to think of big picture - not as a “diet” or anything temporary- you want to permanently change your lifestyle for your health and happiness.
    Also, be realistic. If you fall a stone or two or three short don’t beat yourself up- focus on what you achieved. You might have “bad” days but don’t let this stop you.
    The rest can all be found here- exercise, calories, macros whatever. Do what works for you and keep us posted on your journey. Good luck!!