How to beat a plateau without dipping below 1200

Over the past 7 months eating between 1200-1500 I've lost 35 pounds. I do cardio and pilates 6 days a week at a decently high level.

Now at 128.5 I've been stuck for over a month. I'm pretty short (5'2) so if ideally like to get down to 115-120.

This plateau is driving me nuts! I'm making sure not to fall into "calorie creeping" by weighing all my food and logging, and I've even upped my cardio to try to see progress again, but so far, nothing.

Any tips you guys have to beat this plateau?


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Upping your cardio may lead to water retention that can mask fat loss. How long have you been exercising at this level?

    There is a big difference between 1200 and 1500. Why the range? Does it include exercise calories? How are you measuring exercise calories, and what percent do you eat back?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I posted this in this thread:

    The National Weight Control Registry is a self-reporting registry of people who have lost at least 30 lb. and kept it off. According to those who have registered, the secret is persistence. Here are some of their suggestions (I bolded the ones I found most effective)
    • Exercise: Look for ways to work more activity into your life instead of trying to fit in unrealistically long workouts.
    • Start strength training a few times a week. Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat and helps burn more calories.
    • Check your portion sizes. Maybe it’s time to get out your measuring cups and scale again. Most dieters routinely underestimate portion sizes.
    • Keeping up with your journal/logging is a great motivator and helps you be aware of exactly what and how much you are eating.
    • Weigh yourself once a week or less. Doing it more often can be counterproductive.
    • Make sure your weight-loss goals are realistic. It may be time to shift into weight maintenance instead of striving for more weight loss.
    • Curb-late night munching, which can sabotage your calorie intake.
    • Focus on the health benefits of the weight you have already lost. Put a picture of your old self in a spot where you’ll see it often, to help you stay motivated. Delight in how far you’ve come, and how good you look and feel.
    • Shake things up in your diet. Treat yourself to a new cookbook, or a subscription to a healthy cooking magazine, to keep novelty and variety in your meals.
  • TrashKinggg
    TrashKinggg Posts: 3 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Upping your cardio may lead to water retention that can mask fat loss. How long have you been exercising at this level?

    There is a big difference between 1200 and 1500. Why the range? Does it include exercise calories? How are you measuring exercise calories, and what percent do you eat back?

    I've been working out at this level for basically the entire time, the upped cardio is recent to the last month. My calories since the plateau have been between 1200-1300 not eating back exercise calories ever (for the entire journey).

    The 1200-1500 range stated was to show slip up days as well (sorry for not making that clear)
  • TrashKinggg
    TrashKinggg Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you guys ☺️