Somebody tell me how to get/motivated!!!

I can get it together for a few days, then I lose it! I was so disciplined the first 4 or 5 months of the year. But all the stresses of stuff coming up are really doing a number on my concentration! Help!!!


  • Autumn15
    You have to take it one day at a time and make time for yourself...stress is hard to control but you just have to try to find ways that work for you...just think about how if your not taking care of yourself and reaching your goals and how bad that will make you feel and how it will only compund your stress. If you are taking a handle on something that you can control such as making sure you have me time to exercise and taking the time to eat right that will be one less stress on your plate and a little more control in your life...there are somethings you have no choice or control in but your health doesn't have to be one of them...Keep your chin up!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Thanks Autumn! I was doing so great until June. Then, well, I don't know. I just started eating like I had lost my mind!! I'm really going to give it a great effort until the end of the year. Hopefully I will be close to maintenance weight by then. Thanks again!
  • tracyb1227
    I so feel your pain....I am right there with you. I think we could all use Autumn's advise. Working full time and trying to take care of two little ones I often get off track. Just like you I started good at the beginning of the year and seemed to slack off this summer....I too am trying to get back on track. We will just have to make sure we keep each other motivated.