Weight gain?!?! Feeling sad.

I have been working my butt off in the gym and tracking everything that passes my lips. I use a food scale and everything. I stepped on the scale today (weigh once a week) and I've gained 2lbs. NO WAY I've eaten 7000 calories in excess. Any insight? What gives! (Not TOM or close to it either).


  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    It is water weight. There are lots of things that cause water retention. A high sodium meal and increased gym activity are just some. TOM can cause water retention but many women also retain water during ovulation as well. Water retention can sometimes mask weight loss and if you are only weighing once per week then there will be times when it might look like you didn't lose or even gained that week. Weight loss is not linear and you need to be looking at the overall trend, not just one weigh in number.
  • sdavis484
    sdavis484 Posts: 160 Member
    Working my butt off in the gym since Thanksgiving but I've been going a little harder the last few weeks. Thanks for your insight. I feel like it's past the initial 'water weight' phase but since I've increased my workouts, maybe that's it.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am literally going through this right now!!! I gained 2 lbs after diligently tracking. I almost walked out of my Alpha class this morning and say "F it" I'm going to go get drunk!! LOL

    But I am going to keep at it. Stay consistent and look at the long term trend. If necessary make adjustments. I cannot let the numbers stress me out and knock me off of my game. I've made great progress this month.

    We have to realize weight loss is not linear. Stay consistent and eventually the trend will continue downwards.

    Good Luck.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member

    LOL!!! I am giving advice and you had to talk me off the ledge!! LOL! :D
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    I am literally going through this right now!!! I gained 2 lbs after diligently tracking. I almost walked out of my Alpha class this morning and say "F it" I'm going to go get drunk!! LOL

    But I am going to keep at it. Stay consistent and look at the long term trend. If necessary make adjustments. I cannot let the numbers stress me out and knock me off of my game. I've made great progress this month.

    We have to realize weight loss is not linear. Stay consistent and eventually the trend will continue downwards.

    Good Luck.

    I'm glad you're off the ledge! (I'm not opposed to a couple of margaritas, though. ;) )
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Honestly... I know this may be tmi but...

    If you wake up one or several mornings in a week and don't have a good bm... Prepare to see the number go up, or if you had an unusually late meal...

    Also if you did something the day before like running and you don't normally do that... You will retain a fton of water...
  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    As others have written there are so many reasons why you may have a very minimal weight gain. Salt intake, water intake, new exercise, or stress. As long as you are consistent your weight will adjust. Don't panic. You need to look at your weekly trend. Weight fluctuates from day to day. I use the app Happy Scale to show trends (weekly, 10 day, monthly). As long as I'm showing a weight loss...I'm good to go.

    Don't change your routine yet. It can take the body up to a month to adjust to a new exercise program, especially if you have ramped up the intensity.
  • ChickenKillerPuppy
    ChickenKillerPuppy Posts: 297 Member
    sdavis484 wrote: »
    Working my butt off in the gym since Thanksgiving but I've been going a little harder the last few weeks. Thanks for your insight. I feel like it's past the initial 'water weight' phase but since I've increased my workouts, maybe that's it.

    I always think of the "initial water weight phase" as LOSING a chunk of weight in the beginning that is water weight, but water weight gain (and then loss) happens throughout your months and weeks and every day life generally. Having a salty meal, flying on plane, stress, all of it (and more!) can cause water weight. It never stops. I actually started weighing daily and using the Happy Scale (trending) ap so that if I am all of a sudden up two pounds I can feel absolutely certain I didn't eat 3500 calories over maintenance from the day before (usually not anything over maintenance). The daily weighing has also helped make the numbers less powerful to me (although I still react more than I logically should).

    Just be firm in your knowledge that based on your calorie consumption it was not fat gain.
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I am in a similar place. As a female, I tend to fluctuate right about my time of month for menstruation. Also, I can tend to hold water (even when it's not that time). Sleep often has something to do with it. Hang in there! If the two pounds were gained quickly and without a sense about how, then most likely the two pounds will come off like that. This has been my experience.
  • darnold87
    darnold87 Posts: 9 Member
    Last week I had a weigh-in at 171. Today I am at 164.6. Worry about trends not daily numbers.