Slowest Runner Ever??????



  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I started running a year ago and I'm still not very fast at all.. No worries. We're doing it. The only people we need to compete with is ourselves if we choose. Keep going. It does get better. Promise.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not in last place. The people in last place are the ones still sitting on the couch.

    I started running about a year and a half ago. My first race was a 2 miler. It took me 49 min.....for 2 miles!

    I've done about ten 5k's in the past year and a half and my fastest time is 32 min. I'm extremely proud of that. My goal is to get under 30 min eventually. I know I can and WILL do it!

    You can do it! Never give up. I believe in you!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I came in dead last at my first 5K, and after the first lap I was given a prize as the "fastest walker"! I whined "I'm a runner!" But at the end everyone was cheering me on, and the bottom line is that I did it. Taking an hour to run a 5K is still faster than the people on the couch, right?
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    My little girl and I ran an 5k last May and we did finish last...didn't even realize it until I looked at the times a week later but it didn't matter....we ran it, we finished and we were just thankful that we were given the oportuniity to run it. Think: I am running this for those who can't. That will give you pride and a big sense of acomplishment.
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    Wow...I am so glad I posted this. I am seriously choked up right now. The MFP Community is amazing........

    THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel so much better after I read each and every post!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    But i thought i was the slowest ever. No, seriously, when i started c25k i could barely lift my feet. I think walkers were faster than me. Anyways, speed will come with time. It does not matter how fast you are as long as you are out there doing your best. I fell in love with running even though i am not very quick. My excuse is that i tell myself i am a distance runner. Started running in April and by June i could cover 21.1 km. Not fast but I did it. Just hang in there. Don't get discouraged.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Wow...I am so glad I posted this. I am seriously choked up right now. The MFP Community is amazing........

    THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel so much better after I read each and every post!

    I used to worry a ton about how I was doing compared to others. It has taken a LONG time, but I'm sort of over it. This is about you doing better for YOU! A few months ago, you couldn't finish in an hour, you've beat that. Next run, you'll do a little better, and better, and better. I was running 19 minute miles in march. Finally, something clicked and I'm now down to 10-13 minute miles depending on the distance. Will I ever run a sub-10? who knows, but I keep trying! :smile:
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    So...been training for a 5K for about 10 weeks now....tonight we actually ran the whole 5K route for the first time. I ran for 15 min for 2 different increments. Which was the longest stretch I have ever run and I was totally pumped.

    Then the time keeps ticking and ticking......and my goal of doing it in 40 min.....nope. OK...45 min?....NOPE.


    I am extremely disappointed. That's not even a fast walking pace.

    Can I even say I am running?? Or should I reclassify as shuffling.....trotting.....trudging......

    Blah!!! Over 500 ppl did this race last year and the slowest time was 56 minutes. That's going to be me. All this talk about doing this 5K and I get to tell people I came in last when it's over.

    A 5k is a 5k! You did it. You completed a 5k, now you know your time for a complete 5k and slowly improve it. I did a 5k two years ago and finished in 31:00 min, the week prior to the race it took me 45:xx min. Everyday you get faster and stronger. You can do it. Don't quit. The high you get on race day will help you go faster. Good luck and keep on running.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I am in training for my first 5K at the end of September and have been using the C25K program and still have not yet gone a whole 5-so you are way ahead of me! Be proud that you made it through! Now that I am getting into longer run times, my pace has been around 14-16 minute miles. It will be interesting on Saturday to see how far I can go when I do my first 25 minute run (with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down). I have been averaging anywhere from 2.25 to 2.36 miles in the last Saturday will be interesting. I also believe I am the slowest runner ever...and I will probably come in last in my first 5K...but as others have said, finishing is the main matter what the time! And we are still faster than those who have never gotton off the couch! Good luck as you continue to run!
  • Dont worry about your time!! 2 years ago I ran my first 5K and my only goal was to finish and not get sick! I never did alot of running and I was in a group and we did workout and practice. However I came in 2nd to last with a time of 1 hr 17 min!!! You have nothing to worry about. I am much slower but at least I finished!!! I was so excited. I did it!! And you can too! When people pass you dont worry you have no idea how long they have been doing this. I have realized I'm not a runner and I havent done another 5K since but your time of 55 min I would take anyday!!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    At least your moving..Each time will get better. Hang in there, you are doing a great job
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Funny thing about coming in last...I ran a 5k at the beginning of August. I started 5 minutes late, since I thought the race started a half hour later than it did. I was last by several minutes. I was also first in my age group, and won a gift certificate that covered the cost of my race entry! LOL. There were apparently no other 30-somethings running.
  • CadesPhatMom
    CadesPhatMom Posts: 8 Member
    It would take me 3 days to finish a 5K - Like everyone else is many people can say they have done/completed a 5K?!? Im jealous. If I could run a 5K and be last that would be the least of my worries :) Think positive!!!!
  • hockeymom180
    hockeymom180 Posts: 35 Member
    I clicked on this thread because I was like, "Slowest runner ever? Oh look, a thread dedicated TO ME!" I started the C25K program in July and am on my second go-round with week 7. I move my body about 1.6 miles in the 25 minutes I run, so I think we're at about the same pace. At first I was kind of bummed, like, "OK, great, how can I run a 5K like this?" But now I look at how far I've come in seven weeks -- I haven't run in years, and I'm now 40, and I jog every other day. I let myself compare myself only to myself, and I don't demand an "improvement" every time I run. I consider actually doing it an improvement. So keep up the good work!

  • Blah!!! Over 500 ppl did this race last year and the slowest time was 56 minutes. That's going to be me. All this talk about doing this 5K and I get to tell people I came in last when it's over.

    And how fast did you go it last year?? No matter how slow you are going, you are still lapping those still on the couch.
    Amen! I'm in the same boat as you, hoping to do a 5k next month and I know I'm going to be at the very end cuz I'll still have to walk a good chunk of it, but I'm gonna hold my head high and tell people that I ran my first 5k and if they ask where I came in, I'll just say "Ahead of you!"
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Every single one of you amaze me. I can't even imagine trying to run a single mile at this point let alone a 5k. So, I'll be in last place for you. :)
  • belindawilli
    belindawilli Posts: 97 Member
    When I ran my first 5K last weekend it was a killer. I, too wanted my time to be under 40 minutes and I was close (41.23) but about half way through I just wanted to finish and get it over with. Everyone ran off and left me. I was at the end of the pack and decided it didn't matter what my time was. I was doing it for me and no one else. So just run and be proud of yourself for getting out there and doing your best. You are trying where as a lot of people talk about it, but never leave the starting gate. You will do wonderful and just have a great time while you are out there and remember you are the only one that counts. You are running for you!!!:happy:
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am SCREAMING in jealousy over here! I want to be a runner! Right now I am a walker but will not let myself start the c25k program until I lose another 14.2 pounds and reach onederland. (c25k is my reward for getting to that level)

    We want to details on how your race goes!!!!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    I am SCREAMING in jealousy over here! I want to be a runner! Right now I am a walker but will not let myself start the c25k program until I lose another 14.2 pounds and reach onederland. (c25k is my reward for getting to that level)

    We want to details on how your race goes!!!!

    don't delay. start right now. why put off something you really really want to do? i started three weeks ago and i love it. find something else as a reward. never put off a fitness goal. running will help you get to onederland so much faster. a reward should be a one time thing, a special thing that you don't get every day. A fitness routine shouldnt be a reward, it should be something you do all the time. and just in case you secretly are afraid you won't be able to do it yet, i weighted 249 when i started. i say get up tomorrow and start C25K. We'll all be there cheering you on, happy you can join us.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I started C25K in April and I know I was darn slow. I turned 45 in March and I have NEVER been a runner; I've always hated it. I think my first few times I was going about a mile, maybe 1.2 miles, in the 20-25 minutes I was out there on the pavement.

    Someone else in this thread mentioned Jeff Galloway and my sister introduced me to his method of run/walk in intervals when I hit about Week 3 in the C25K program. (She runs marathons and halves running 6 minutes and walking one minute). I've been running intervals ever since. I'm currently running 3 or 4 minutes then walking 1 minute. I can finish a 5K in about 36 minutes (12 minute mile) . I don't think I could run the whole thing that quickly and I really don't have the desire to try. It's amazing what even 60 seconds of walking can do for your endurance.

    My point is, you might find it faster to stick to run/walk intervals, if you're concerned about time. Give it a try.