Weight Loss Countdown Round 2

Hello everyone I am new to this site and I would like to express that I am wanting to lose 130 pounds. I began my journey for round two on August 22nd 2011. I had lost 75 pounds about 2yrs ago and gained it back. I was lucky enough to go to the doctor and all came back well, I knew it was then my time, my time to become healthy and make a permanent lifestyle change, I am looking for others to share this journey with, it is hard not to have many friends in your corner... Happy Weight Loss Journeys To All!!! Shalonda


  • poloplayer76
    Hi Shalonda
    Im new to this site too and I need to lose 35 pounds by Jan. Lets do this journey together
  • luv2bnatural
    luv2bnatural Posts: 5 Member
    I am all for it like I said before for me I need to talk about and get advice and I like to give advice as well but I find myself constantly on social networks because within my circle I am the only one taking on the challenge, I have a lot to lose.