Calorie and meals advice please

Hello all,

I'm trying to lose about 2 stone and just wondering generally how many calories at breakfast, lunch, evening meal people have who have lost weight so far and some breakfast and evening meal ideas. I'm in the UK.

Thank you in advance xx


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ShellyOH81 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    I'm trying to lose about 2 stone and just wondering generally how many calories at breakfast, lunch, evening meal people have who have lost weight so far and some breakfast and evening meal ideas. I'm in the UK.

    Thank you in advance xx

    How many calories you have at a particular meal is completely up to you and your preferences and have no impact on weightloss outside of compliance with calorie restriction. Also, people have different calorie targets based on their stats and activity someone eating XXX calories for a particular meal is likely not going to be particularly relevant. For example, I lose about 1 Lb per week on 2500 calories or my calories per meal are likely to look much different than yours.
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    How many calories per day does MFP give you to lose 1lb per week?

    How you split those is, as mentioned, up to you. You might want to try a few different combinations to find what works for you personally. I prefer to have a smaller breakfast and a larger dinner (sometimes I skip breakfast completely), but you might like a more equal spread, for example.

    You can eat any foods you like as long as you stay within your calorie goal.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    what times of day are you hungriest? Divide up your allotted calories so that you have the biggest meal at your hungriest time of day. For me it's evening but everyone is different.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi. I'm baaaack. I forgot how to figure my macros. Reading around the internet I find lots of info but nobody tells me how to figure my macros So, silly question number O forgot how many---somebody help me out, please.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    saraphim41 wrote: »
    Hi. I'm baaaack. I forgot how to figure my macros. Reading around the internet I find lots of info but nobody tells me how to figure my macros So, silly question number O forgot how many---somebody help me out, please.

    For most people, the MFP default values are a good starting point. You can adjust from there as you experiment with what keeps you feeling full and happy, and as you develop more personalized nutritional goals.
  • ButtonBoo76
    ButtonBoo76 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I work on a max of 1200 calories per day. Usually 300 for breakfast, 300 for lunch and 400 for dinner. Then that allows for a couple of coffees/teas throughout the day. Often I'm about 100 calls under but some days I'll use the full 1200.

    I lost 6lbs in my first week, then 2-3 every week since. 7 weeks in.
  • ButtonBoo76
    ButtonBoo76 Posts: 2 Member
    I so tend to stick to the same breakfast and lunch.

    BREAKFAST: 150g of full fat Greek Style yoghurt, handful of blueberries and 8 almonds (chopped)

    LUNCH: either a tinned or homemade soup (no bread 😔) or a 'no carb ploughmans' - 2 slices of ham, matchbox size of cheese, apple, 2 sticks of celery, handful of walnuts and a tbsp equivalent of a sugar free chutney/picallili.

    DINNER: varies....
    Tortilla base pizza with 3tbsp of tin toms, pepper and a sprinkling of Cheddar. Bake in oven - 5 mins
    Tuna steak and bulgur wheat salas
    Halloumi and courgette kebabs
    Chicken tikka with rice
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm in the UK too.
    Breakfast I tend to skip quite regularly. (Otherwise it's mostly porridge or other cereals or bread products in various forms or sometimes a protein shake.)
    Lunch probably about 500 - 700
    Dinner, lots!
    Plus typically three snacks.
    (But my maintenance allowance is pretty high.)

    My food choices are very varied but as a generalisation I prefer savoury to sweet - any reason you feel the need to change what you eat? As opposed to changing how much you eat.

    Macros can be done different ways or not at all, personally I think fixed percentages don't make any sense unless you eat the same every day (which means you either aren't exercising or you aren't using the site as designed.)

    When I pay attention to them (which is pretty rare when maintaining) I set a minimum protein goal in grams (typically 1g per pound of estimated lean mass), fat nominal goal is minimum of 0.4g per pound of bodyweight but in reality it looks after itself and once minimums are met the rest of my allowance can come from any macro but overall I eat a lot of carbs.

    It's sensible to make dieting as easy as possible which means you should eat at the times and frequency that suits you rather that someone else's style.