September 1. . new month. . . new me. Here we go.

I, like so many, am new to this website. My immediate goal is to stick with this new plan of mine for two days, then a week. Can I commit to this site for two days? A week? If I can do just two days, I will be sooo happy. This is like my millionth time of attempting to lose weight, but I honestly feel armed and ready like never before, so. . . we'll see. I'm excited to lose weight, and I'm excited at the possibility of meeting people on here so we can all support each other. Good luck to us all. Have a wonderful day, Everyone! Have a fantastic month. We can do this!


  • TopazCarey
    Welcome! And you can do it! All the encouragement and positivity from other members makes it hard to give up. Stay focused and you'll be the next success story. =)
  • mathewb001
    If you have a smart phone, definitely use the MFP app! It makes keeping track of your calories so much easier. No need to log onto this website all the time, and its actually fun! And if it's fun, your more likely to stick with it. Good Luck! :-)
  • NatalieGabriel
    Hi! I'm exactly the same. I can normally last a week then it all goes to pot! So instead of focusing on one big goal im just focusing on one day at a time. And also small goals rather than one huge one. Remembering to celebrate each day i eat well and exercise rather than feel guilty about then things i might not do so ''perfect''. Here goes! Good Luck!!