Day ONE of my 12 week Body Transformation Contest

LeahZehnder Posts: 7
Im in! Im in! signed up for the 12 week BTC at Firebellz today :) Im so excited to get back in to the "swing" of things there. Im 5'3 and almost 200 lbs again. Im really in it to get strong and feel like I can do anything again. I joined this site to help keep up with my food logs. the requirements for this program are pretty intimidating but I know they are there to help me succeed! daily food logs, MINIMUM three hours of kettle bells at firebellz per week, weekly weigh ins, measurements and pics. did I mention its owned and operated by Albuquerques finest fire fighters? fierce. I feel like vomiting! and then jumping up and down and laughing and crying everytime I think about how comsuming this will be. :D:D:D


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