Students: Thinner by Christmas Vacation!

I'm Kate and I just joined MFP on Tuesday and want to start a group for people who want to be thinner by Christmas break! I have a problem with binge eating (and binge drinking), and my weight has been creeping up on me the past few years. I'd always been normal weight before that.

Anyway, I currently weigh 174 which is, I think, the most I've ever weighed. My goal weight is I have 40 lbs to lose. But I'd like to lose 24 of those by Christmas. That's 17 weeks from now, so that's 1.4 pounds per week.

We can post recipes and ideas and tips to get through school with a social life and still lose weight. If you'd like to join, tell us a little about yourself, your starting weight, your goal weight, and your goal weight by Christmas.

SW: 174
GW: 134
GW by Christmas: 150


  • dietingforgood
    dietingforgood Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kate!

    I'm Sandy and I've been dieting for about six months. Start weight was 187, I'm now at 140 and eventually I'd like to stop at 120 or so. I'd love to join your challenge, if only because lately I haven't been able to lose weight as quickly as I used to, and maybe having an accountabili-buddy will help with keeping me on track and losing all the weight I'm trying to shed.

    If you don't mind sharing, what dieting method will you follow? I'm currently on a Dukan diet (which is a blend of keto and Atkins diets) and it's worked wonderfully for me. My only problem is with the fact that I'm severely allergic to working out (hehe), and I think my intake vs. expanded energy (food and exercise) has evened out and I won't lose another pound until I can get started with a decent workout routine.

    Good luck with your journey! I hope more people comment and share their expectations and that we can encourage each other during this 12 weeks challenge!
  • popcrn4free
    popcrn4free Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there,
    My name is Angel. I would love to join your group. I am trying to get remotivated. I started MFP awhile ago and lost 10lbs just can seems to get the loss going again. I am 178 now and would like to lose 18 lbs by christmas break. I'm starting school this fall and am a little worried about the stress of it all and gaining weight. I am allowed 1200 calories and would like to stay as close to that as possible. I am also trying to get down my 8 glasses of water kind of been slacking there too. I could really use the accountability partners.
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! I'm Trissie and I started dieting again when I moved back to school mid-August. So far it's been very successful and I've lost 4 pounds, but I would really like some encouragement to make sure I don't give in TOO much to my sweet tooth when school stress really sets in. I also need to need to make myself go to the gym, but honestly I'm intimidated by it... I could really use some encouragement to actually go :)

    This summer I reached about 161, and on Wednesday I weighed in at 156.5. My dream goal weight is 120 and I would like to make it a little over half way before Christmas, down to 135.

    Angel, have you tried filling a water pitcher and keeping it in your fridge? I have a brita filter that holds 80 oz... I fill it up at night before I go to bed, and then I make sure I drink empty the next day so I can refill. It has really helped me stay hydrated, and cut down on snacking as well.
  • beeish
    beeish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Beckie
    I've had the MFP app on my phone for ages but never really used it.
    I go to school in the southern hemisphere so on a different timetable, but drinking and a hectic timetable have definitely made an impact on my weight. I've gained about 10-15lbs since starting in March... Current is 162lbs - one of the heaviest I have ever been
    Want to be down to 150 by Feb 1 next year and 132 by June, 2012 which is a bit over lbs per month which is more than possible.
    I'm on a plautea a at the moment I think though even though I haven't lost weight :S Anyways I am working out daily (i am in a show so we have dance rehearsal two days a week and then i stationary bike/walk/run the other days) so I just don't know if I am eating enough. Anyways its hard to get motivated when you don't see results so always looking for that!
    Need to cut down on my drinking too :S

    Summary I guess:

    SW: 162
    UGW: 132
    GW for February: 150
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My starting weight was 168. I'm 146 right now. My goal weight is 125. I started out using slimfast and that really helped me get on track with portion sizes. I just have slimfast now a couple times a week.
    I started losing weight because I didn't like how I felt, I felt blah from fast food. I also wanted to look good in clothes. I've gone down a pant size and a shirt size. Very happy about it.
    Recently most of my weight loss is through diet alone. I was in a car accident last week so I am not going to work out as usual until my back feels better. :( Great way to start off the school year. I am a 2nd year graduate student. Hoping to have my degree by the end of 2012 :)
  • getskinnyk8
    Hi guys! I'm so happy you responded :) I think this will just be a good place to talk and keep each other on track. Have any of you done couch to 5k? I have the hardest time running, especially outside, and I was thinking of trying it. It might be easier to push myslef to walk out my door and start running than to drive to a gym!