j06j10 Posts: 17
For some reason I have been hungry all day for the past three days since my last weigh in and noticed I lost 5lbs wth I need some advice maybe to little of something of too much of something i need some HELP, I dont want to gaing any more lbs!!!!!


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    it is hard to give advice if you don't have your diary open. What have you eaten?
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories in addition to those MFP allot you for food? If not, you will see a short-term radical loss (as you will be radically under your normal daily allowance) followed by a plateau, followed by more worrying side effects.
  • oki changed the settings now but I am positive that my I went way over my caloric limit with some cheetos and some more of that stew i made
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
  • ITs hard to stay with in that limit if i eat at my hours and the calories im suppose to eat and yet be hungry after words
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    To start, I would personally ditch the cereal, skim milk and bagel for breakfast and opt for a few eggs (whole) instead. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE my morning bowl of oatmeal, but since switching to eating eggs (sometimes with bacon, sometimes with veggies, sometimes with fruit), I have been a lot less hungry in the mornings at least. This morning I had two eggs and about 2-3 oz, leftover roast beef and coffee with full-fat coconut milk (the stuff from the can) and I was really satiated until well past 2pm.

    I would also personally eat more period. I mean, if you're hungry! Make it quality food like meat, vegetables and fats and your blood sugar will stay a lot more even and you should feel less hungry. I don't know your size, but I'm 5'4 and I've done pretty well loosing weight on about 1600 calories a day.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    EAT EAT EAT! if you're hungry, then eat. but you may need to be more planned with your food choices (i haven't looked at your diary though). make more sensible choices throughout the day. eat things like porridge that keep you full for longer.
    and make sure you are drinking enough water- our thirst mechanism turns itself off when we start to get dehydrated (dumb planning!), and people often mistake thirst for hunger. and are you exercising, and eating back some/all of those calories burned?
    but you shouldn't feel hungry, because then how will you keep this up? it won't last unless you feel like you can keep it up- i couldn't diet if i felt hungry all the time.

    i hope you figure it out. good luck.
  • thanx for the advice it makes a lot of sense what your telling me i will try it and yeah calorie base is true my original colori net should be 1400 but i forced it to 1200 I should stop stressing myself out.
  • wow up just recently joined a few months ago and you already made it to your goal weight! Any more helpful tips?
  • @145 lol i think the system sometimes Tells you a month when it has realy been 4months ago lol but its ok no i still havent made it yet but let me tell you it is not easy and being hispanic with a lot of ignorant people make it even more tough to loos weight they constantly say IF YOUR HUSBAND LOVES YOU THE WAY YOU ARE WHY DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE but i mean HELLO I AM DOING THIS BEACUSE I WANT TO FEEL THE WAY A 21 YEAR OLD HAS TO FEEL SEXY AND HEALTHY and i used to play with my kids and now i just feel lazy but now that i have this site and people like you to motivate me i am on my way, this is my third time opening my diary and waching my meals but I have to keep it up and will see the light at the end of my dark tunell :) best wishes to you and taking time to fill your diary is my best tip only after you eat ok DONT STAY ON TOO LONG :b
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    To start, I would personally ditch the cereal, skim milk and bagel for breakfast and opt for a few eggs (whole) instead. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE my morning bowl of oatmeal, but since switching to eating eggs (sometimes with bacon, sometimes with veggies, sometimes with fruit), I have been a lot less hungry in the mornings at least. This morning I had two eggs and about 2-3 oz, leftover roast beef and coffee with full-fat coconut milk (the stuff from the can) and I was really satiated until well past 2pm.

    I would also personally eat more period. I mean, if you're hungry! Make it quality food like meat, vegetables and fats and your blood sugar will stay a lot more even and you should feel less hungry. I don't know your size, but I'm 5'4 and I've done pretty well loosing weight on about 1600 calories a day.

    I would actually keep the cereal BUT add some good protein as well, so maybe have a boiled egg as well! Protein keeps you feeling full, but if you are hungry you still need the calories from the cereal, but there is no protein in your first meal! Just have a bit of a play with it! See what seems best for you! I personally have oats with blueberries and 100gms of chicken or 250ml egg whites at breakfast, carbs to refuel the body after sleep and protein to keep me full!
  • SO I changed my caloric limit and I am scared It looks like to many cals but ok i will do it um so i will take all advice I love eggs by the way what about lunch and dinner I would like you to look at my diary if possible for the last three days and see whta else i can change.
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