Okay, so lately I have not seen the point in this lifestyle change, I don't know why but even when I BUST in in the gym and eat as healthily and clean as possible and stay within my cal goals, I still only lose 0.2kg/0.4lbs and am getting rather discouraged by it!


  • lyns20
    thats what i was like. and now im doing the rosemary conley diet going good so far but i dont weigh myself for a few days but its worked for a lot of people so im hoping it works for me.x
  • lani83
    I know how you feel, but don't lose heart! Do you take measurements as quite often you'll see a difference in cm/inches even if there isn't a big difference on the scales...
  • suzikay
    As long as the change is continuing in the right direction, that's what matters. You must be learning eating habits and exercise habits that will help maintain your new healthy weight and routine when you reach your goal, rather than being likely to boomerang back as so many people do when they reach their goal weight and revert to their previous eating habits. I'm not managing to lose fast, either, but it is consistent and that's what counts: I'm still losing the flab and becoming healthier!
  • Yarrum84
    Yarrum84 Posts: 57 Member
    OK, what exercises do you do? Is it all strength? If so you'll be gaining muscle, so like someone has already said, take measurments.

    If you're struggiling to lose more, then look again at what you're eating, you may be undereating or overeating (both can make loosing weight difficult).
    Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Perhaps do one more class/extra 30 mins of walking etc per week and see if that helps :)

    How much do you weigh and how much are you eating?
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    As long as the change is continuing in the right direction, that's what matters. You must be learning eating habits and exercise habits that will help maintain your new healthy weight and routine when you reach your goal, rather than being likely to boomerang back as so many people do when they reach their goal weight and revert to their previous eating habits. I'm not managing to lose fast, either, but it is consistent and that's what counts: I'm still losing the flab and becoming healthier!

    Totally agree with Suzikay!!! You can do this, don't let the scale discourage you!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    OK, what exercises do you do? Is it all strength? If so you'll be gaining muscle, so like someone has already said, take measurments.

    If you're struggiling to lose more, then look again at what you're eating, you may be undereating or overeating (both can make loosing weight difficult).
    Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Perhaps do one more class/extra 30 mins of walking etc per week and see if that helps :)

    How much do you weigh and how much are you eating?

    I do about 60-90 minutes of cardio per day and weights every second day.

    I drink about 10-12 glasses water a day normally, feel free to check out my diary if you'd like :)

    I weigh 85.7kg, so 189 pounds and am eating anywhere from 1300-1500 cals a day.
  • Yarrum84
    Yarrum84 Posts: 57 Member
    I think perhaps you should change your MFP diet settings. For 189lbs for someone at 5ft 6in you should be looking at about 1200kcals - according to MFP.

    Have a go at that, see how it goes and if you feel to drained etc then up your calories again.

    I'm no expert, I'm just guessing lol

    Good Luck
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I think perhaps you should change your MFP diet settings. For 189lbs for someone at 5ft 6in you should be looking at about 1200kcals - according to MFP.

    Have a go at that, see how it goes and if you feel to drained etc then up your calories again.

    I'm no expert, I'm just guessing lol

    Good Luck

    I used to be on 1200 cals but upped them as it made me feel very drained, dizzy and sick but 1490 is too many for me so I have put them at 1320 and hopes this will help. Also, this is how many cals I need to lose 2 lbs a week as I am "active" in my job- walking around the store practically nonstop 8 hours/5days a week.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My first month of diet/exercise, I GAINED seven pounds. My second, I lost three. In July and August, I've lost 34. It finally clicked in my body to start dropping. I'm so glad I didn't give up. No matter what the scale said, I was getting healthier, but my body rebelled a little.
  • Yarrum84
    Yarrum84 Posts: 57 Member
    I think perhaps you should change your MFP diet settings. For 189lbs for someone at 5ft 6in you should be looking at about 1200kcals - according to MFP.

    Have a go at that, see how it goes and if you feel to drained etc then up your calories again.

    I'm no expert, I'm just guessing lol

    Good Luck

    I used to be on 1200 cals but upped them as it made me feel very drained, dizzy and sick but 1490 is too many for me so I have put them at 1320 and hopes this will help. Also, this is how many cals I need to lose 2 lbs a week as I am "active" in my job- walking around the store practically nonstop 8 hours/5days a week.

    Ah I see.

    No matter what, still give it your all, I know it's disheartening for you, I went through this last year and I thought 'why bother'.

    Keep at it, get your tape measure out :D
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    "so lately I have not seen the point in this lifestyle change".

    as long as you live this will be considered a "lifestyle change" it will last the rest of our life IF you continue monitoring your nutrition and excercise every day, there are going to be times when the scale does not move and you may not be loosing inching AS FAST as you would like, but tomorrow is another day a new day to begin again, dont give up bec you are getting inpatient, it will take time to get where your going remember slow and steady wins the race.


    give it more time & you will succeed.