Too Many Vitamins?

Is it possible, or better yet dangerous, to consume too many vitamins?

I drink Shakeology (hopefully some of you have heard of it and drink it too) which contains many healthful ingredients and a healthy dose of vitamins, but I also take GNC Womens Mega Green Vitapak which supplies all of my vitamins... is having both in the morning potentially harmful?


  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    It depends on how much is in each supplement. Vitamin A in particular can be harmful so make sure you aren't having more than the recommended amount of that one at least. You can probably find the recommended limits on the internet somewhere.

    You don't really need to take vitamins everyday all the time. You end up weeing most of them out anyway! I tend to take some when I'm feeling run-down from time to time or when I'm travelling a lot and not eating properly. I take them for a burst of a few weeks and then I don't take any again for months.

    Hope that helps :smile:
  • crasula
    crasula Posts: 53 Member
    Like the lady said the body removes any excess minerals and vitamins from the body it doesn't need and in the majority of cases taking more than you need isn't going to really hurt altough there are some exceptions and medical conditions that need to be taken into account.
    If you're dieting and really cutting your calorie intake it's not a bad idea to take a good suppliment.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    You may want to take your vitamins later in the day. That might allow your body to use more of them instead of getting a huge shot of vitamins all at once in the morning and filtering most of them out. I doubt that is a harmful amount of vitamins to consume each day.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Vitamins A, D, E & K are fat soluble. Yes, it is possible to consume too much of those, which could be harmful.

    Vitamins C & the B vitamins are water soluble. Excess will be eliminated. Taking more than necessary will be simply a waste of money.
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Keep in mind that the kidneys do the flushing (in cooperation with the liver) of these extra substances. Be cautious of consuming large amounts of caffeine while dieting and working these kidneys hard. High protein intake also works the kidneys hard. Keep fluids high to prevent the formation of kidney stones and also of gall stones, which are common in persons losing weight.
    I have googled symptoms when I wondered about nutrient needs and adjusted by temporary supplement usage.
    If your sources are all-natural and not highly processed man made substances you will see a more productive result no matter how you go.
    But keep fluids high and caffeine intake as low as you reasonably can for your lifestyle.
    Best to you.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the feedback!
    Vitamins A, D, E & K are fat soluble. Yes, it is possible to consume too much of those, which could be harmful.

    Vitamins C & the B vitamins are water soluble. Excess will be eliminated. Taking more than necessary will be simply a waste of money.

    Wow, I didn't know that! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out to make sure I don't overdo them.
    You may want to take your vitamins later in the day. That might allow your body to use more of them instead of getting a huge shot of vitamins all at once in the morning and filtering most of them out.

    I like that idea! I may also consider alternating days too.