Basically about to give up

I am 5'11" and 300 pounds. I am in the process of quitting smoking and I've been going to a gym now for over a month, with personal training sessions 3 times a week. My HRM says I'm burning 1,000+ calories each session, and at least 400 calories a day just walking. My diet is around 1,700 calories a day, and 2,000 on days I work out. I have a cheat day once a week, but that rarely tops 2,500. I have made ZERO progress this month. I weight the same, my body fat has stayed between 36.9 and 37.1, my clothes fit the same, I look the same (pictures), and I feel the same. I am just so angry and frustrated right now. I feel like my options are cutting out food entirely or looking into illegal stimulants. I'd rather do it the "right" way but I'm making LITERALLY no progress at all.


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Have you asked your personal trainer for any advice?
    I imagine how discouraged you must be but talk with the trainer, discuss it with your doctor. Other than that, I guess I'd try to lower the amount of calories a bit because we can never be sure of the accuracy of calories we take in or burn. And hang in there!! You're going the right route and will get there!! Just get more info and do some tweaking, then you'll start seeing a difference. Accuracy is an important factor. Good luck!!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I'm so sorry this is happening. I totally understand your frustration. Do you have any option to talk to a dietician or your trainer to see if you could change something in your daily calories? Maybe - I don't know for sure - you aren't eating enough. If you are that active and burn so many calories, perhaps your TDEE is higher than you think.

    I hope you find some answers. And despite your frustration I hope you don't give up.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Everyone's bodies are different. Some people lose weight almost immediately while others do not see significant progress until much later. There are many other things that will show improvement before you start to lose weight. At your size I would be very surprised if you are not diabetic. Are you tracking your blood sugar? My wife did not see results with weight for months, but her blood sugar numbers dropped dramatically into the normal range and she was able to get completely off of insulin. We do keto, but whatever method you use, you need to give it time. You didn't get to this size overnight, and it will take far longer for you to lose the excess than you would like. Finally, I would highly recommend seeing your primary care physician. It is possible that there is a medical reason which is slowing your progress. Don't quit. Your health is the most important thing you have.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    just because someone is 300lbs does not mean they are diabetic. :|
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    edited February 2020
    whaleybob wrote: »
    My HRM says I'm burning 1,000+ calories each session, and at least 400 calories a day just walking.

    Noooo way that's happening. I'd expect you're really burning about 25-30% of that. Look up expected calorie burns on this site, and other sources. The ones here are even exaggerated, but they're nowhere close to what this monitor is telling you.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    whaleybob wrote: »
    My HRM says I'm burning 1,000+ calories each session, and at least 400 calories a day just walking.

    Noooo way that's happening. I'd expect you're really burning about 25-30% of that. Look up expected calorie burns on this site, and other sources. The ones here are even exaggerated, but they're nowhere close to what this monitor is telling you.

    Without knowing what OP's workouts entail you can't say it's not happening.

    Is 1000 calories exagerrated for a 300lb guy, maybe, but if it's a long workout or quite an intense cardio workout, it could also be a pretty reasonable estimate.

    An approximate TDEE for OPs stats would be around 3600 cals per day for maintenance/moderate exercise level.