Really could use some accountability FRIENDS for this long journey!

Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
edited February 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

I've done the same after each baby and after reaching each goal. I gain at least 10-20 pounds back and feel like a failure. I want to continue staying on this journey but I find when I don't have fellow "journeyers" alongside me it's so much easier to fail. Would anyone like to join me? I'm 35 years old with 3 kiddos ages 15,11, and 6, and a husband that eats all the junk food he sees and doesn't gain an ounce. :( Very hard living with that as much as I love him. Anyway, if you're interested in doing this together I am very excited about being an encouragement to you and spurring you on to our mutual goal of being healthy and committed! :)


  • am152011
    am152011 Posts: 11 Member

    Well done for even deciding to start calorie counting! I could also do with some accountability friends! Feel free to add me . Staying motivated when work and life just gets tiring can be hard I agree. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi. Sure, I can do a little bit of the weight loss journey with you. I'm not looking to lose weight super fast but I am trying to stick to mainly low calorie to lose some weight and regulate my PCOS in order to be a little healthier and hopefully to have an easier time getting pregnant and having healthy children. I totally agree that it seems kind of tough without motivation to stick to things. I'm really bad about sugary foods so I cannot rule those all out and my focus has been on limiting my portion sizes on everything I traditionally liked that can be more sugary or processed, but now that I started with the tracker on this site, I see that too much salt might actually be causing more of my bloating issues, so I'm attempting to change tactics a little to lower my salt intake as more of a focus than sugar reduction, while keeping on a low calorie diet. Overall, I think this is helping a little bit right now because I am drinking more water to get out previous salt intake, which seems to be an agreed upon good thing for most diets. Anyway, do you have a goal weight you are aiming toward? Anything drastic, or are you going for more of the losing enough weight to feel healthy thing?
  • lizaltfillisch
    lizaltfillisch Posts: 9 Member
    I feel you on that husband thing! My husbands whole family eat sweets and snack foods all damn day and don’t gain and ounce. Meanwhile, I look at a bag of chips wrong and I’ve gained a couple pounds. Feel free to add me to be accountability friends, despite our lucky husbands and their damn metabolisms! Lol