Why is my body soooo comfortable being fat

It’s going to take an act of god to lose weight at this point.


  • gt0186b
    gt0186b Posts: 78 Member
    You can do it! Start by logging everything you eat and see how many calories you are taking in. Once you know that, you can find small ways to decrease the amount and you will be on your way to losing weight. Throw in some extra walking when you can to help even further. Start slow and build up as you start to see a little progress.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Nope not an act of God. You are in control of your own future. This is both hopeful and scary.
    Start by getting a food scale and without judgment just log accurate what you eat and drink. Once thst becomes a habit then look and see what some easy swaps are. . You can do this, it will not be easy but if you log it can happen
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    I think most of our bodies are "more comfortable" being fat, in the sense that we naturally eat at a calorie surplus, which is why we got fat in the first place. Certainly eating whatever I feel like and not caring about it takes less determination that carefully choosing and monitoring what I eat. But just because it can can be challenging does not mean it is impossible. Don't sell yourself short. You can do it. It may not be fun, it may not be easy, but it's not for any of us.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm a little unclear what you mean, OP.

    Are you saying that your body feels better to you when you carry a higher BF%? (I do not share this feeling, but I'm not projecting my feelings on you or anyone else. People are different.) In your experience, what BF% or BMI is most comfortable to you? Where are you now?

    Or, as MikePTY suggests, are you saying that you like eating at a surplus? I totally share that feeling. I COULD eat more every single day, and I would LIKE to eat more most days. Some days I do eat more, but as a long time maintainer, my surplus days and deficit days balance out. On the days I want more but resist (honestly, it is most days), what helps me to resist is
    (1) knowing intellectually that I have eaten enough (and I trust this knowledge because I'm a calorie counter and reasonably aware of my intake), and
    (2) reminding myself how comfortable my body feels at a lowish BF%. I think I'm most aware of it when I run. That's when having a tight core feels so awesome to me. Visualizing that awesome feeling helps me resist temptation.

    I agree with the others, it doesn't take superhuman powers to achieve a reasonable goal in small steps. You can do it, OP.