Back at it. Again. And again.

Hey all. A little background. I’ve been using this app for about 5 years. And I’ve lost large amounts of weight several times and always gain it back and fall off the wagon for a while. I’ve lost 90 lbs, 70 lbs, 60 lbs and have gained it all back each time. I’m currently at my highest weight ever and bound and determined to get it off for good.

I’m 37, 6’1 and weighing in at 380. Went through a divorce this last year that made me just give up on trying to be healthy. I also have PCOS and am taking metformin and trying low carb to get that under control. I’ve logged in every day for two years but just started logging food every day. Would love to add more friends to keep each other in check and help motivate.


  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    edited December 2017
    Let’s be friends! I just celebrated my 34th birthday on Monday. I’ve been on the app since June 2016, I was 434 pounds, 5’8. I lost 101 pounds as of June 2017, I was 333 pounds. Then I did what I said I would never do...
    I fell right off the wagon during the summer! Or more appropriate I jumped off. I was busy buying a house and traveling. It was my fault for not making my routine and exercise a priority.
    I gained back 30 or so pounds.
    BUT I’m back and better than ever and ready to push forward.
    I also struggle with PCOS & Insulin Resistance. I also take Metformin. I was able to stop using a breathing machine at night as result of losing the weight.
    I’m back to logging and tracking progress daily, calorie counting, moderate carbs and more movement.
    Let’s not dwell on our mistakes. How about we crush these goals!?
  • NicRenee03
    NicRenee03 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'll be 36 in about 3 weeks. I'm 5'4 and 260. I have trouble sticking with anything and try plans that don't really work for me. I'd love some support as I try to just count calories, eat more plants, and keep carbs manageable!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    This time follow the maintainence threads very closely. Sometimes maintaining is harder than losing. There are alot of tips. Good luck.
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    Sometimes maintaining is harder than losing.

    Truer words have seldom been said. I've lost and gained back too many times. Got to my lowest weight in 25 years in 2012 and have now gained back 45 pounds. I'm starting again, tracking my food carefully and honestly, even if it's only 10 M&M candies, I record it. Together, we can do this. Feel free to friend me.
  • manderthegreat
    manderthegreat Posts: 30 Member
    Starting over once again. So bumping the post.
  • SFnBald
    SFnBald Posts: 134 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • Thechubbypotter
    Thechubbypotter Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'10" and 326, also starting again after losing 70 pounds before and gaining it back. I'll send you a friend request!
  • jamilt
    jamilt Posts: 25 Member
    Hello all, back on the horse again after my rollercoaster attempt to stay consistent. However, now I'm going to push myself to stay on top...
  • LaxJac
    LaxJac Posts: 52 Member
    Been in the same boat. You can do it again and happy to help support you
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi All,

    I've done the same after each baby and after reaching each goal. I want to continue staying on this journey but I find when I don't have fellow "journiers" alongside me it's so much easier to fail. Would anyone like to join me? I'm 35 years old with 3 kiddos ages 15,11, and 6, and a husband that eats all the junk food he sees and doesn't gain an ounce. :( Very hard living with that as much as I love him. Anyway, if you're interested in doing this together I am very excited about being an encouragement to you and spurring you on to our mutual goal of being healthy and committed! :)
  • Hello fit pals.. I am on again off again too.. life happens and this past December I had a bad fall and broke my leg. I've had surgey since then and should be up and walking soon.. I am also looking for supportive and motivating friends. Right now I am just focusing on my calorie intake since I'm not able to do much excercises at this time
  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I also have pcos. I’ve found watching carbs has seemed to help some, but this process has been a slow one. Best of luck to you!
  • rocks2910
    rocks2910 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all and good luck in your jurney. I will be losing 60 pounds so feel free to add me if you want a diet and healthy lifestyle budy 😸
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    On & Off again appear to be a weight switch I use more frequently than I care to admit to also.
  • Emican2020
    Emican2020 Posts: 35 Member
    I'd love to be friends too. Feel free to add me.