I hope I don’t blow it!

On the first Friday of every month my girlfriends and I have a standing dinner date. We take turns hosting. We drink wine, eat good food and gab. This Friday will be my first dinner after starting this, and I’m torn about whether to count every calorie and limit myself, or just go with the flow, eat what I want, and count the calories later knowing that I’ll probably be over my goal. I’ll exercise early and go light for breakfast and dinner to mitigate the damage. Oh boy .... wish me luck!


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Socializing can be difficult when watching what we eat.
    When I have special occasions or the Holidays are here, I go on maintenance for that day. I don't weigh food when others are around but do keep an eye on portion sizes, and skip dessert. When I get the chance, I log it all. It's good practice for when we go back on maintenance when we reach goal weight.

    You can do this. In the long run, this journey is about being aware of our portions. In the end, one day will not derail your progress. Have fun, be mindful and enjoy the evening.
  • LavishMeerkat70
    LavishMeerkat70 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks @PaytraB! Great advice.
  • Pinkclemonade
    Pinkclemonade Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problem. First Friday of the month is date night. I've been doing so good, losing consistently but tonight I'm going out to a fancy restaurant. I plan on eating light during the day but know I will gain from dinner out, probably from all the sodium and sauces. It usually takes me all week to lose the weight from one meal out. I almost don't even want to go out. And how do you track restaurant food when you have no idea how much butter or oil they use! I think we just have to do the best we can. Enjoy the night but be mindful of what we eat, eat slowly, drink lots of water and get back on plan tomorrow.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    edited February 2020
    I wouldn't place too much emphasis on one meal, social situations and special events are going to come up from time to time and unless this is something you're going to be doing a couple of times per week it's going to have very little affect in the long term.

    Even if you see a jump on the scale, that's not blowing it, that's water retention from increased sodium/carbs usually, it's a normal process and not something to fear, because we're trying to lose fat, not water, and fat loss will still occur if you're consistently in a calorie deficit.

    Maths is your friend when it comes to weight loss and logical rather than emotional thinking.

    1lb of fat is equivalent to approx 3500 calories.

    Your calorie goal in MFP is your Total Calorie Burn (excl. Exercise) - X Calories based on your chosen rate of loss.

    So for example if my Total Calorie Burn is 2200 calorie per day and I've chosen 2lbs (7000 cals/7 days) per week loss that is:
    2200 -1000 calories = Calorie Goal 1200.

    If my week goes like this, Saturday being the example of a social event:

    Mon - 1250 net (950 cal deficit)
    Tues - 1200 net (1000 cal deficit)
    Weds - 1300 net (900 cal deficit)
    Thurs - 1200 net (1000 cal deficit)
    Fri - 1150 net (1050 cal deficit)
    Sat - 2400 net (200 cal surplus)
    Sun - 1200 net (1000 cal deficit)

    So at the end of the week that puts me at a 5700 calorie deficit from my Maintenance intake and would mean I should still lose around 1.6lbs fat.

    To gain fat, I'd have had to eat those additional 5700 calories and more.

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I pick a middle ground. Eat whatever you want, but limited to one plate. Drink wine, but only a glass or two. Skip dessert or just have a small bite of someone else's or bring home leftovers.

    Have fun, don't stress about counting it all, but keep it controlled. :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I bank calories for things like this. I usually cash out on the weekend but when something like this comes up I use them as needed.

    Like @Terytha I practice mindful decision making no matter what the situation. Even if I plan to eat maintenance or higher I will always try to fill up on lower calorie options first. If I do not think any will be there I eat an apple on the way. The actual strategy will vary from person to person and situation to situation but I think the permanent change for me is that there will always be a strategy.

    Life doesn't stop because you have chosen to lose weight. A sustainable plan has to be flexible and allow you to live it because feeling deprived is no good.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    It’s one meal. You are going light on your other meals for the day, so just try to make reasonable choices, log as best you can, and continue on tomorrow with your regular eating routine.
    There are holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc, throughout the year that we have similar concerns. It’s all about choices, and not letting one event/meal, turn into past overindulging habits.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I pick a middle ground. Eat whatever you want, but limited to one plate. Drink wine, but only a glass or two. Skip dessert or just have a small bite of someone else's or bring home leftovers.

    Have fun, don't stress about counting it all, but keep it controlled. :)

    This is generally how I treat these kinds of occasions.