I'm a little sad right now :(

I should be jumping for joy, I weighed in this morning and I lost 5lbs this week, making a total of 4stones 1lb (57lbs) lost - but I STILL wear the same bra size, the same clothes size, and not one person has said I look any different, in fact my own mum said to me I'd done really well but wasn't it a shame it didn't show?!

I know that being so overweight to start with means that any loss will take a while to show, but I've been looking at and comparing pictures and I can't see any difference other than my face looks a little slimmer around my chin. If I mention my weight loss to anyone they just look at me as if to say 'really?'

I'm not going to give up, but just for once, if someone other than immediate family (who I know will hype me up anyway) would ask if I'd lost weight or comment that I was looking a little slimmer - perhaps because I was so big to start with they are scared to mention it, I don't know.

So - feeling a little down now....... :(


  • you can do it!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Your weight loss is amazing. Just think where you will be in a year. Who knows maybe next year you'll be in a bikini and then they'll be Jealous!:flowerforyou:
  • lottywood
    lottywood Posts: 55 Member
    Don't be disheartened. The weight you've lost is a major achievement. WELL DONE! It may take a while for you to see the difference, just keep at it, you will start to see the results for yourself soon.

    Well done again. Keep at it
  • you got this just remember how far youve come already, you should be proud ov yourself x x x
  • Keep going :) You've come this far, it will show soon!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I was there once, I know how it feels. But 57 lbs...that's no small accomplishment, think of how many people CAN'T say they've done that. I also know how it feels to not feel like you look like you've lost any weight, you almost feel like you could get to your goal and stay the same. But then one morning, you'll wake up and look in the mirror and you'll see it! You will!
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    Don't be disheartened! You've done brilliantly well - everyone starts showing their loss at different stages, and to differing degrees. A few more pounds might make all the difference, and you'll start getting those compliments you deserve! :)
  • You should be proud of yourself for losing the 57 pounds that you did lose. Good job on doing that.:smile:
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    use this as motiviation to keep going..you dont need THEIR approval to know how awesome youre doing...thats a lot of weight so far and i thikn youre doing an amazing job!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Around that halfway mark you are going to look in the mirror and at pics and think, WOW...I'VE COME SO FAR!

    Also, are you measuring? I measure 17 different areas of my body and the changes are astonishing, even when I didn't think I'd lost anything. A couple inches in your biceps, an inch in your neck, a few in the hips, waist and thighs. It all adds up. You're doing so wonderfully and, TRUST ME, you will start seeing and feeling it in the coming lbs.

    Keep it up, beautiful!
  • dcneenee
    dcneenee Posts: 1 Member
    I know it's a struggle. I know you don't feel like anything is happening...it's so easy to give up. But Don't! I am proud of you...and I celebrate with you your accomplishment! You Go Girl!:flowerforyou:
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    I experienced the same. I started at 325 and had to lose almost 100 pounds before I got ANY comments about it, even from my mom and sister. And it took me almost that long to start needing smaller sizes as well. Once I got under 200 and started wearing misses sizes, every 10 pounds lost meant another size drop. I went from size 14 to size 8 in about 3 months.

    You are doing so well, hang in there. I know it's nice to get validation from others but you must be feeling SO much better - enjoy that - the rest will come.
  • You are doing AMAZINGLY well! Just focus on how you'll feel when you've lost another 57lb - it's worth it in the end. This can be a bumpy journey for most, with up's and down's on a daily basis - but you are already winning the battle against the blub! You have done so well already - focus on that - be proud of what you have achieved!!! xx
  • Turn that frown upside down!! :) YOU ARE making amazing strides and just committing yourself to MFP is great! It will take time and I am glad you are reaching out instead of reaching for the food!:flowerforyou: Keep at it and you will be surprised. Challenge yourself today to think 'I am worth this' and watch yourself GO GO GO!
  • Hey, chin up! 57lbs? WOW. There is absolutely no way that you are not smaller.

    It can be irritating when people don't realise you've lost weight. This school year, I lost 15lbs, and people had no clue until it was prom and I was all dolled up in a tight dress. All year, I resented them for not seeing, but you know what? It's not about other people. It's about you and being healthier or smaller for YOU. People that see you all the time will generally not notice a difference. You, who sees yourself every day in the mirror will find it hard to see a difference because you are stuck in that self-critical mindset. I feel like I look the same now at 135lbs as I did at 174lbs even though that is nowhere near possible.

    Keep on keeping on, start taking measurements and monitoring how much better you feel in yourself with every bit of exercise done or pound lost and you will start to see a difference :)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    People can be cruel sometimes. You have done a wonderful job with 57 pound loss! Congratulations! That is no small task and you should be proud! Don't concern yourself with others, sometimes people won't say anything because they don't want to offend if you weren't losing, or they are jealous! Keep up the great work and you will see a difference!
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    it is difficult to work so hard and not SEE results...but you have lost nearly 60 pounds!! that's a huge accomplishment, and you should be happy about that! i suspect you'lll start to see a slimmer face soon, and have you measured your arms? and even though you are still in the same size, do they feel different at all?? a tiny bit looser? maybe not so snug?
    if you keep losing weight, it will begin to show, that is inevitable. just remember that you are doing something great for yourself and you've come a long way already so keep up the good work!!:flowerforyou:
  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    I feel for you. I was in the same place until last night. I'd been dieting since February, and I couldn't see any difference, and no-one mentioned anything to me at all. I was getting really down about it.

    Then I went out with an old friend last night (who had no idea I'd been losing weight) and the first thing she did when she saw me was double take, and then say 'Wow, you look AMAZING, you're so SKINNY!'

    It felt great! While I know that Skinny was a VAST exaggeration, and I have a long way to go before I get there, what felt good was that she had no reason to lie, or even know I'd been trying, so she just have just NOTICED.

    What I'm saying is... it WILL happen for you. Out of the blue, someone will notice, and make you feel as good as I did last night. Until then, as hard as it is, just try and remember that you ARE making a difference, not just to your weight, but to your HEALTH and your LIFESTYLE.

    Good luck with your Journey. I KNOW you can do this. :)
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    2 other ways to track would be to measure and taking progress pictures. Sometimes you don't notice how far you have come until you have something to compare it to.

    You are doing amazing! Keep up the work and start finding new ways to track your progress besides the scale.
  • Do you measure your inches?? cos if not im sure that will help! youll see the difference in numbers straight away. dont give up, youve done so well. and remember, dont focus on looking slimmer - your regaining a healthier body! xx