8/29-9/4 15 Mile Challenge Day 4

Only a couple of check in's yesterday, I hope everyone is still working towards that goal :) We've got four days left to reach 15 miles.

Today's rockstar is alise_lmx, who reached a total of 13.5 miles yesterday
millionsofpeaches - 9 miles
suzandees - 8.8 miles
plunderbunneh - 7.5 miles
rgalloway49 - 6.7 miles
lazyspice - 4.1 miles
linbaby4 - 3.4 miles

See you later on!


  • millionsofpeaches
    Not sure if this counts...

    I am headed up north but my long training run for the weekend is 10 miles which I fully plan on completing tomorrow morning. So I am going to pre-log my miles before I go up to the lake house.

    9/1 - 0 miles
    9/2 - 10 miles

    Have a great Labor Day!!!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Nice! Have fun :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Yay I'm the rockstar :bigsmile: But I was not a rockstar today, because I didn't run! So a big fat zero for me today. I am literally sleeping in my running clothes tonight so that I will wake up and get at least that mile and a half for the goal!!

    Good luck to everyone! I think we should make this a weekly challenge. We could alternate how many miles per week, so that say one week we do a lot of miles to push ourselves, and another week we do less for a little break. Anyway, plunderbunneh I hope you keep these threads going! This has been fun :)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I've had a lot of fun with this, it's been great knowing you are pushing for these miles with me :) Today I'm only logging the mile I did on the treadmill this morning. Husband has been concerned about my ankle, so I promised to take the day off from running. I'm looking forward to pushing myself again tomorrow, I can't believe how much I actually missed the workout today. I'm sure I did another mile walking around our new Ikea for a few hours, but it just isn't the same.
    Anyhow, see you in the morning! Have a great morning run alise_lmx, I love early mornings. Wish husband didn't have to work so early so I could sneak in a run before the kids wake up, but alas. Maybe in a few years when they start school.
  • rgalloway49
    rgalloway49 Posts: 16 Member
    I took a break Wed but did 4 miles Thurs. I plan to do something today, not sure how much though :-)

    So far:

    8/29- 4 miles
    8/30- 2.7 miles
    9/1- 4 miles