Need Support!

Hi all,

I've been using this site for a week now and have lost 5 pounds. Just looking for friends to get motivation from! I'm a busy working mom with one child and I have no reason to be unhealthy. It only hurts me and those that I love. I have about 80 pounds to lose to get to my ultimate goal.

Let's motivate eachother!


Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • how''d you lose 5 pounds in one week?
  • You can add me if you would like!
  • Add me! I need support too :) Thanks!
  • I've lost nothing so far, but then I have got the worst will power when it comes to any nibbles brought into the office. And i think i weigh myself wrong anyway. I don't work in pounds, i work in stones and pounds so get very confused! lol!

    Good luck!!
  • I think always at first weight comes off more quickly when a lifestyle change is made. I don't expect it to stay at this rate. I'm doing the 1.5 lbs loss/week.
  • I get snacks at the office too, I don't think it's bad to take one, just look up what it is on myfitnesspal and add it into your calories. If you go over your calorie limit for the day with the "snack", then just workout a bit extra. I'm making it sound easy, but I know it's not. It takes a lot of mental work to even sit down on bike, get on a treadmill, or go for a walk. But it's the little things that count. Finally learning that after 30 years! You can do it!
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    Wow, way to be supportive right out of the gate.

    Bab, there are a lot of groups on this forum that I've found (1 month veteran) and motivational challenges. Hope you have great luck and success.
  • Wow, way to be supportive right out of the gate.

    Bab, there are a lot of groups on this forum that I've found (1 month veteran) and motivational challenges. Hope you have great luck and success.

    Thank you I appreciate that!
  • Sending a friend request.
  • I am new to the site, also. My hubby started about a month ago, and he has lost about 20lbs. I was a little (a lot) jealous, since I am the one cooking all of the healthy meals and not losing a single pound. I have found that if I have to hold myself accountable for the things that I eat daily, then I am more honest with myself. Also, I'm greedy and stingy, and don't want to give up my calories for something that is just a 'snack' because I am bored. I've ended every day with about 500 calories left over.

    For those of you that are healthy enough, try taking suppliments. I am not a real big advocate of them, but Hubby found something that worked for him, so I am trying the woman's version. It has helped to curb my need for snacks and I have tons more engery. We use the suppliments from Complete Nutrition. Instead of using the 'prescribed' dosage, we have cut it in half and are still losing the weight. And, yes, we have changed our diet and excercise programs.

    As far as exercise, I've started using the wii that is collecting dust. I hate, yes HATE, wii Fitness, but I do LOVE the dance games. My favorite so far is Dance on Broadway because my spastic self can do most of the moves. Thirty minutes of any of the dance games is a minimum of 180 calories burned. My hubby and daughter are not at home during the day, so I can make a fool of myself and no one but the dogs can see me (Lord only know what is going through their little minds).

    I have not changed a lot, but the changes I have made have enabled me to lose five pounds this week (I know-water weight-but five pounds is five pounds).

    Remember, if you are honest with yourself then you will fare much better in the "Battle of Extra Poundage"
