Auto Repair Etiquette

odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
OK, I dropped my car off at a mechanics yesterday at 8am. It is the next day at 11am. They called yesterday at 2pm with a simple questions of what happened to my car in the first place.

What is proper etiquette - how long I should wait before calling to see if they have any clue what is even wrong w/ my car or how long the repairs may take?

I can't get a rental in the meantime and we're coming up on a holiday weekend, so another 4 days without a vehicle or clue what's wrong w/ my vehicle may kill me. I'm not being dramatic at all. It could kill me.


  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Call em now.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Sorry I misread (read didn't read) your post.

    I thought you called them this morning and they had not gotten to it yet.

    I would call and ask now. And I would ask when to expect a call back today from them about the repair estimate.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Feel free to call. every four hours or so, It will keep them working on YOUR car. Someone may fart in your seat or something, but, hey, Febreze it!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Call right away
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I expect to have a call explaining what's wrong with my car within 4 hours of being dropped off. That call should include an ETA for the repairs, and an estimate of the cost. If you don't have either yet, there's something wrong.
  • ddecarr
    ddecarr Posts: 103 Member
    Its past due time for some answers.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    my friend works in autorepair and HATES when people nag her about their cars. DON'T call every four hours or so! Call once, and they will probably tell you they will let you know when it's done. It doesn't get done any faster if you bug them.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Strap that (what appears to be a) SIG Sauer SP220 on, then wander on down there to ask what the hell is taking so long! :laugh:
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    call them now. i don't think it would be unreasonalbe to at least find out the $$ damage. they might just be busy?
    my mechanic is awesome--i would have had my car back by now and he usually gives me one of his to drive if it's going to be longer than one day. but he's the exception i'm sure
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    I would call them around Noon today and just ask for an ETA. They are trying to leave early today just like everyone else so don't expect them to be there past 4 or 5pm. Be polite when you call. A 24 hour turn around would be pretty impressive...depending on what you need done. Alignment, brakes, oil change yes should not take more than 24 hours but beyond that I would give it 2 full days minimum. You have to realize they don't stock every part for every car and sometimes have to order it and wait for it to be shipped. If you damaged your car then I would give it a week.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    yeah, don't piss of the people that fix your car that's for sure. call once a day.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I would call now and see if they have an idea of what is wrong or if they had to order parts for it.
    Least you will have a time frame.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Cool! I just called and it's actually GOOD news for a change. Perhaps the Haboob over my head is clearing :)

    The wiring for all the lights held w/i my steering column fried. But they ordered the parts yesterday and they should be in today and he's hoping to get her all fixed up for me yet today!!! THANK GOD! Single mommy with no rental car is eternally grateful mr. mechanic!!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Cool! I just called and it's actually GOOD news for a change. Perhaps the Haboob over my head is clearing :)

    The wiring for all the lights held w/i my steering column fried. But they ordered the parts yesterday and they should be in today and he's hoping to get her all fixed up for me yet today!!! THANK GOD! Single mommy with no rental car is eternally grateful mr. mechanic!!

    Excellent!! That gladens my heart that you are not being 'taken'... ☺♥☺
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Never bug a craftsman if you want good work.

    The time to set expectations for cost and completion of work is when you drop the car off. They won't know the cost and completion time until they figure out what is wrong, so you should find out, when you drop the car off, when they expect to call you with the estimated repair time and cost.

    Once this time is established, don't be a pest.

  • ellumi
    ellumi Posts: 90 Member
    At the Mister's shop, people call and ask about the status all the time. It should not be a problem to call and find out when they expect to have it ready, so you know what to expect for the weekend. If they act like douchers about it, it's time for a new mechanic.

    Edit: Doy...should've read your post more thoroughly...glad to hear you'll have your car back soon!
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    Cool! I just called and it's actually GOOD news for a change. Perhaps the Haboob over my head is clearing :)

    The wiring for all the lights held w/i my steering column fried. But they ordered the parts yesterday and they should be in today and he's hoping to get her all fixed up for me yet today!!! THANK GOD! Single mommy with no rental car is eternally grateful mr. mechanic!!

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm seriously very happy :) This guy and his wife at this little shop are really nice and came recommended by a coworker. I think he's a very honest, straight up, hard working man. If this all ends well, as it seems it will, i have found a new mechanic in my life ;)