Friends needed

von66mfp Posts: 22 Member
Hi...I'm from uk and have been member on and off for years.

Didnt gain weight until I was in my 40s and have been trying unsuccessfully to lose it ever since. Done diet clubs and gyms and ended up bigger than when I started.

Last year after quitting all of them i started back on here and couch to 5k. After several months i lost 2st and was running 3x a week. Unfortunately got fed up with weighing and logging food so stopped around June but ran until end of October. So now I'm facing 54 this summer luckily have no health problems but obviously have gained all the weight back.

So feeling inspired at the weekend with my daughter we signed up for 5k race in June so now i need tackle weight and start running.

My main problem is losing motivation I'm great at the start but soon get fed up and stop so need help keeping myself motivated ๐Ÿ˜


  • jaynesinbox
    jaynesinbox Posts: 7 Member
    Hi *waves* I'm exactly the same as you, also 54 ... been on and off here for years ... but this new decade has be fired up and raring to go. I'm also based in the UK , however I have no idea how to add friends but can accept them so if you know how ... feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.

    My weight has yo-yoyed most of my adult life ... my ex partner was a PT and got me into weight training and i sustained and injury which meant no exercise for a year ... then I found out he was a cheating liar and I left him ... initially I decided I would get fit .. slim and SHOW HIM ... however ... I found that I really liked the gym for me and so I got myself another personal trainer and he mentioned this site ... which made me think it was time to actually start using it properly ... so there you have it ... to friend or not to friend lOLOLOL
  • kjdaughtridge
    kjdaughtridge Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I just turned 56 and have gained wait like crazy since menopause. After a health scare with my husband we decided to clean up our eating habits.

    I also have tons of motivation in the beginning that is hard to sustain, so Iโ€™d love some buddies to motivate each other. Please feel free to friend me! Iโ€™m in the USโ€”a little motivation from across the pond would be great!
  • von66mfp
    von66mfp Posts: 22 Member

    I've gained loads with menopause. Done the diet clubs and gyms. Problem is with the gym I get addicted to classes and always end up injured. I now suffer with rotator cuffs on both shoulders.

    I'm hoping to commit to mfp this time and start back running. I've got home gym so I can do weights in there. Just need keep motivation going ๐Ÿ‘
  • Donna7127
    Donna7127 Posts: 5 Member
    Motivation ahh ๐Ÿคจmy mortal enemy ๐Ÿ˜€ I start off well then find myself not really really caring ๐Ÿ˜ž I am in my early 40s and I gained 4 stone when I quit smoking Iโ€™m struggling to get back to a reasonable weight now. Sent you a friend request hope thatโ€™s ok x
  • von66mfp
    von66mfp Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone....we can do this ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘