What Has Your Weight Kept You From Doing or Enjoying?

I didn't go to my 25th, 30th, or 35th high school reunions (class of '75) because I was ashamed of my weight. I was really skinny in high school so I let myself believe people would look at me and be shocked at the change. In reality, I know it probably wouldn't have mattered to most of them and they would have been happy to see me again as I would them. But, I let my being intimidated by my weight keep me from going.

Just today I saw someone in a store that I hadn't seen for a long time but I beat a hasty retreat out of there before she saw me because I knew I was heavier than when we last saw each other. Sad, huh?

I'm not as social and adventurous as I used to be because of lower self-esteem and physical limitations because of being overweight. I haven't picked up a tennis racquet in decades (I played in high school and college), or got in a canoe to tackle some rapids, two things I used to do BK and BF (before kids and before fat). I also won't get on an airplane.

But I'm taking all that and turning them into reasons to lose weight and goals to shoot for.


  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Hiking... Biking... Swimming in public locales...

    My weight currently is keeping me from living pain-free.

    I also seriously miss amusement park rides. I used to be the roller coaster queen! Now, I can't really fit comfortably (if at all) into most of them - so I don't try.
  • kaitee24
    kaitee24 Posts: 10 Member
    This is a great topic. I think I've missed out on a lot of stuff not just because of my weigh, but because of my self image, playing at the park with my kids, going places with them, swimming with them at the pool, etc. This past summer I have really caught up on things I've missed out on! We went swimming a lot and I wore a bathing suit in public:) We went to amusement park, spent TONS of time outside...we've really learned to be healthier as a family:)
  • marquesajen
    I occasionally swim, but not if there are alot of people and only with someone I know. This is the first year I've actually gone swimming in public in a very long time. I don't like going to parties as much because of all the thin girls, I don't like sitting down amongst strangers sometimes because I don't want my stomach fat to be as noticeable and when I do sit I pull my legs up. I'm a tomboy, but I would like to wear a dress here or there even over jeans, but I don't because they look all wrong on my figure. The tighter ones make me bulge, the looser ones make me look pregnant.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Me too on the swimming/swimsuit thing.
  • leilani♥
    Hands down it's Swimming ... in my birthday suit! lol... I used to do it way back when I was thin and lived in Hawaii.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    You really hit home with the pain of being fat. For women, I think it is the social pain that hurts worse than missing out on doing things. I was a collegiate athlete too so it was hard for me not being able to do what I want my body to do. Just keep going and that athlete which is buried under all that fat will emerge and you will feel great. It is NEVER to late. You can be in shape and doing things you never thought you would be able to do again at your age. I was fat and after losing my first 30 pounds I ran a 5k at 24.58. I just ran a relay race last month and my runner friends are encouraging me to do a 1/2 marathon which is something I never thought I'd do or even want to do but I am considering it. And as for the social aspect, I am back to my old friendly self. I say hi to people and reach out to others the way I use to. You will get there, just keep plugging along.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I haven't been swimming in a long time, I don't even OWN a bathing suit.
    Playing outside with my kids..I would get too out of breath so I just sat and watched.

    And pretty much anything that requires physical exertion. But that's changing. As I loose weight I find that I am more confident and outgoing, and of course I have more energy to do things, and I don't get out of breath so easily. I still have a long way to go, but just the change in dropping the first 20 pounds is amazing!

    God bless!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've always wanted to go hang gliding (tandem with someone experienced), but have put it off because I felt I was too heavy for it. In retrospect, I probably wasn't too heavy since I was "only" 186lbs, and there are plenty of healthy, fit people in that weight range... I wasn't necessarily heavy, just FAT. :laugh:
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I don't ever go swimming anymore, in fact I haven't owned a bathing suit in about 3 years, I haven't gone because I am ashamed of putting a bathing suit, there is always people with perfect bodies by the pool laying out, and it just depresses me. I don't go even more now because I don't want to go with my boyfriend and be the only fat chick. I haven't been to the beach in about 3 years either, i didn't do tube riding behind boat this last year because I started paniking cause water was so cold and I was so out of shape.

    I don't go to parties/clubs/places anymore, because again there is always hot chicks and I hate getting jealous, my boyfriend is handsome and fit and i hate just the stress of thinking about some hot chick even talking to him, because I don't have that confidence.
    I don't do a lot of social things all because I hate being feeling like crap when i am around people with all these great bodies.
    This is the reason I started this, can't tell you how many times I tried through my life and failed, but now I don't even allow the smallest slip because I want to be that hot girl at the party, want to stand out in a good way for once.
    Just gotta keep strong and once I reach the goal I can enjoy all those things once again :)
  • diane423
    i love clothes and shoes.. being over weight has prevented me from wearing the type of clothes i love.. It has also made me lazy...
  • dru_howard
    This topic hits home because my weight loss was initially motivated by two things:

    1. Being embarrassed to be seen at the pool even though my kids desperately wanted to go and love to swim. It finally hit home that my negative self image (weight induced) was directly and immediately affecting them.
    2. Not wanting to take pills for common and sometimes self inflicted through weight/lifestyle ailments - ie: blood pressure, indigestion, reflux, diabetes.

    Enough was enough and I'm thankful everyday for this journey, as long and rough as it has felt at times.

    PS - I rocked a bikini on vacation a few weeks ago and felt fabulous doing it - not because I have reached my goal and have a rock hard body, because honestly I'm still a ways from that, but because I was proud of my accomplishments and my dedication and what I have done for my kids and myself.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Wow this is such a powerful topic! I pray that all of you hit your goal weight! You don't have to be ashamed..you have ALREADY accomplished so much!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Wow this is such a powerful topic! I pray that all of you hit your goal weight! You don't have to be ashamed..you have ALREADY accomplished so much!

    Thank you for the encouragement!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    PS - I rocked a bikini on vacation a few weeks ago and felt fabulous doing it - not because I have reached my goal and have a rock hard body, because honestly I'm still a ways from that, but because I was proud of my accomplishments and my dedication and what I have done for my kids and myself.

    Awesome, both with the bikini and the attitude!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    Just gotta keep strong and once I reach the goal I can enjoy all those things once again :)

    That's great motivation. Good for you for taking the negatives and turning them into positive goals.
  • bmxpop
    bmxpop Posts: 353 Member
    I stood in line for what seemed like hours to ride a roller coaster at Cedar Point, only to have to do the "walk of shame" after they couldn't secure me in the car!!!......but.....I went back this summer and rode EVERYTHING!!!!
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I still have a long way to go, but just the change in dropping the first 20 pounds is amazing!
    God bless!

    I'm hoping to feel the changes soon as I continue to lose weight.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    It is NEVER to late.

    That's something I needed to hear today. I sometimes struggle with whether that is true or not so it's good to hear it from someone who knows.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I stood in line for what seemed like hours to ride a roller coaster at Cedar Point, only to have to do the "walk of shame" after they couldn't secure me in the car!!!......but.....I went back this summer and rode EVERYTHING!!!!

    That had to be so fun! My kids love Cedar Point but even at my thinnest you couldn't pay me enough money to ride a roller coaster. Well, maybe someone could try, but it would have to be an awful lot! lol
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Doing fitness activities that I would love: Adventure Racing a nd Triathalons.

    Also, I would love to wear a bikini and show off my belly ring. I would be too embarassed to do it right now.
