70 years of age appeared out of nowhere!

Posted on 2/22/2020 by KECK29083
Hello, my name is Dale.
I am 72 , had a heart attach, stroke, both femoral arteries replaced in my legs , hip replacemnet and prostrate cancer.
Now I have found out in a routine physical I have stage 2 diabetes. So here I am back to counting carbs, protiens and calories.
I knew I wasn't taking very good care of myself, but I'Im retired, busted my butt most of my life and felt I earned the right to sit around , watch neflix and chill.

The thing is there are still a lot of folks in my life who count on me at least onced in a while. Not to menton I have grandchildren I would love to watch grow up.
Anyway that's my story and we'll see how it goes


  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Well, it took you 70 years to get where you are! Show us how it's done, Dale.
  • MVElf
    MVElf Posts: 6 Member
    I hear you. Turning 80 in a month.....had a battle with cancer, fall down a full flight of stairs that gave me a brain hemmorrage, shattered wrist, and some minor memory losses...then died from angioedema two years ago. Fortunately I was in the emergency room when it occurred..... Just live life as best you can, and thank the Lord for the days ahead of you. We never know what is in store, so enjoy the sunshine.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Nobody knows what each day will bring them; no guarantees for any of us. So the best we can do is make the absolute best of every day and take care of ourselves!! Good luck in turning your health around as well as you can!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,637 Member
    My husband is 70 this year, keeping active, body and mind seems to be the key and healthy eating.!