Going to try this

Hi! I am Jobie and going to try this. I was able to quit smoking over a year ago. Emotional eating has put me as a heart risk. I hope joining here will help keep me going and that I can be there for someone else. Thanks for having me and wish me luck!


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    You've already conquered a huge hurdle by giving up smoking!! You can do this too!
  • jobie128
    jobie128 Posts: 5 Member
  • ActionRZ
    ActionRZ Posts: 134 Member
    I stop smoking over 17 years ago and I know how challenging that was so you definitely have one victory under your belt. I did go to food (munchies) after smoking and gained more weight but now I am less weight and in much better shape than I was when I smoked. So I can definitely say especially since you are here and have your mind in the right direction you will conquer this as well!
  • jobie128
    jobie128 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok! Got to share! I have lost 9 lbs since I started. I know that this is because I have not eaten chips & junk, cut out all the extra salt, downed a lot of water, and eating 3 times per day instead of just 1. I am making sure I am logging all my food and exercise. I can’t believe how much this app has helped me stay on track. I love hearing all the amazing victory stories, comments and support. The vibe on this site is so positive! I know this is just the start. I do not expect this type of loss going forward, but just a small step to better my health. And!! I got on the treadmill and walked 10 minutes. I know this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but, I could still breathe! ActionRZ, I know you can appreciate that! Thank you all for your good wishes! I hope you all have had a successful past couple of weeks too!