This could only happen to me !!

So I have a dinosaur non digital scale that I have been using for the last 4 month, my friend gave me a digital (with the times) scale, and just my luck I weigh 2 pds more on it.. So I'm not a happy person now, Well off to try to lose the 2 pds so my weight is in sink


  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I was using one like yours went to the gym and used a doctor's professional one and was ten pounds heavier then I though.
  • zoodalia
    Yeah, I got on my boyfriend's digital scale and was six pounds heavier than I thought - - - not a nice experience!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Scales suck no matter what...even thought I like seeing the number go down I really feel truly more successful when I can toss out the big clothes and go shopping in my attic for smaller clothes!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    *You* don't weigh 2 pounds more on it. You weigh the same. *It* reads 2 pounds heavier than the other scale.

    No 2 home scales measure alike. There are extremely accurate scales, yes ,but they generally cost a lot of money. Just adjust your starting weight to reflect that 2 lbs, and keep going forward. The actual number isn't important -- you need to focus on the trends.
  • jridgway49
    Well at least I'm not alone !!
  • jridgway49
    *You* don't weigh 2 pounds more on it. You weigh the same. *It* reads 2 pounds heavier than the other scale.

    No 2 home scales measure alike. There are extremely accurate scales, yes ,but they generally cost a lot of money. Just adjust your starting weight to reflect that 2 lbs, and keep going forward.
  • jridgway49
    thanks i never thought about doing that
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    That scale is like a politician: it's going to lie coming or going. If you continue to log, you'll continue to lose, as long as you're not hanging out in the red too much.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    yeah I had to do that too (adjust start weight), but a digital scale is more accurate so that is what you weigh.
  • jridgway49
    where and how do i change my start weight
  • brittmiles07
    Go to settings, at the top next to log out. Click on update diet/fitness profile.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    you know you don't actually weigh any different... right? Like.... if you started at 200 on your scale and then got to 185 you really DID lose 15 pounds it was just from 202 to 187. Nothing *actually* changed, you just have the correct numbers now.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i check my scale once a month. i put a 15lb dumbbell on it and make sure it's still accurate. :-) try doing that from now on.
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    I have the same situation... our home digital scale says I'm still 73kg but in the gym they had this weighing scales that doctors, manual one and I weigh only 69kg... I make sure the scale in the gym is calibrated by putting an 8kg dumbbell on it and adjust if it's off...
  • bhagavatilad1
    Me too, I just complained on Scott's profile about putting the same 2 lbs on and trying to lose 2lbs again?