New and absolutely confused

Hi all... I’m new to the app and the forums. I joined because I wanted a way to track my calories as I’m starting off on a weight loss journey. I’m realizing that this app has soooo many other features besides calorie counting, and it has been a little overwhelming getting accustomed to everything. But I’m giving it a good try, because it will all be beneficial along the way. Other than that... I’m 36... last weighed in at 240 lbs... haven’t really started a work out routine yet (I’ve been to a few kickboxing classes to see if I liked it lol)... and I’m trying an alternate day, intermittent fast meal plan. Anyone else try IF? Thanks for reading!!


  • SlayLikeAWarrior
    SlayLikeAWarrior Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Kathy, welcome! I do IF 18:7. I fast 18hrs (10pm-3pm) and have a 7hrs (3pm-10pm) eating window. It works if you stick with it, but I will suggest you start slow and work your way up to where you can fast longer. I workout in a fasted state.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi all... I’m new to the app and the forums. I joined because I wanted a way to track my calories as I’m starting off on a weight loss journey. I’m realizing that this app has soooo many other features besides calorie counting, and it has been a little overwhelming getting accustomed to everything. But I’m giving it a good try, because it will all be beneficial along the way. Other than that... I’m 36... last weighed in at 240 lbs... haven’t really started a work out routine yet (I’ve been to a few kickboxing classes to see if I liked it lol)... and I’m trying an alternate day, intermittent fast meal plan. Anyone else try IF? Thanks for reading!!

    Starting by tracking calories is a great way to do it. Just log your meals/snacks etc. Get a feel for calories. After a time you can begin to tweak things. You don't need to jump in with both feet.

    The Sexypants thread linked above is very informative.
  • SlayLikeAWarrior
    SlayLikeAWarrior Posts: 89 Member
    I agree with link info and feedback from Kimny and TeaBea. :)
  • Kharma215
    Kharma215 Posts: 6 Member
    Chile 😩 I’m jus now learning how to IF was aiite but I didn’t see major results.🤷🏽‍♀️ I believe the key is exercise and staying in your calorie zone. The good thing about this app is if you tracking what you eating and connect ya Fitbit or Apple Watch it will let you know erday how close you are to reaching your goal 🥳
  • Kharma215
    Kharma215 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m so excited I promise y’all I’m gonna smash my goals😜😎
  • kathrynegrady
    kathrynegrady Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for the replies and advice. @kimny72 I’m heading over to the link now thanks for that.
    @SlayLikeAWarrior and @TeaBea I’m going to take that into account. I don’t want to overwhelm myself to the point that my expectations are unattainable (which I kinda felt today; I fasted yesterday and tried to keep to a 1200 calorie today and went over)
    @Kharma215 lmao!!!! I didn’t even realize we could add photos to our profile until the next day, what kind of IF did you do? I’ve only done 1 day on and 1 day off and I’m already debating if it’s worth it. I just want to find what will work!!!😫😫 I’m so sick of the up and down
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Hi Kathy, welcome! I do IF 18:7. I fast 18hrs (10pm-3pm) and have a 7hrs (3pm-10pm) eating window. It works if you stick with it, but I will suggest you start slow and work your way up to where you can fast longer. I workout in a fasted state.

    I'm not sure I understand.. 18:7 means you have 25 hour days?
  • emjaybeb
    emjaybeb Posts: 58 Member
    I IF too. That's what's working for me right now. 16:8 x
  • danielleilsos3377
    danielleilsos3377 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey im new on fitnesspal and looking for some friends to share experiences with. Im also a chef so i have great recipes for ur diet :)
  • kathrynegrady
    kathrynegrady Posts: 23 Member
    @emjaybeb how long have you been using this way of eating? Do you calorie count during your eating times, or just eat healthy meals?

    @Lietchi trust me... I’m already reconsidering lol. I was over 1200 yesterday, and actually hit about 1700 (which is around where my calorie count would be if I was aiming for 1-2 pounds/ week weight loss.) So I’m going to evaluate everything as I go along and see what works best for me, and keeps me the least cranky.

    @danielleilsos3377 welcome friend! As you can see... I’m already having one hell of an experience lol... I would love to see some of your recipes!!! Do you have any quick crock pot breakfast meals? I want to start meal prepping so I can grab and go
  • wmd1979
    wmd1979 Posts: 469 Member
    @emjaybeb how long have you been using this way of eating? Do you calorie count during your eating times, or just eat healthy meals?

    @Lietchi trust me... I’m already reconsidering lol. I was over 1200 yesterday, and actually hit about 1700 (which is around where my calorie count would be if I was aiming for 1-2 pounds/ week weight loss.) So I’m going to evaluate everything as I go along and see what works best for me, and keeps me the least cranky.

    @danielleilsos3377 welcome friend! As you can see... I’m already having one hell of an experience lol... I would love to see some of your recipes!!! Do you have any quick crock pot breakfast meals? I want to start meal prepping so I can grab and go

    I would do more than just reconsider it if you are actually looking for longterm success. If 1700 calories daily is where you need to be for two pounds a week weight loss, then why in the world would you try to fast one day and then eat at 1200 calories the next? Starving yourself can cause all sorts of health issues, and its definitely going to make it harder to adhere to any sort of plan long term. If you simply use MFP as intended, are careful about logging, and stick to your calorie goals, then theres no reason you can't lose weight in a sustainable healthy way.
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    edited February 2020
    .... as I’m starting off on a weight loss journey.

    Relax, this is a life style change, what better choices can you make today that you can still be doing in a year, or two? We all want to "get on it", "smash it", but it is true the tortoise will always beat the hare. Small changes that you can repeat and keep doing. Logging and mindfull eating, add in some exercise and remember we all still have the real world to battle. All these tools and programs have things that some like and some will not. Sustainability is the key. I can not stop drinking, I like a glass of wine with a meal, so I make it fit. If I could not drink/eat cake/chocolate/insert treat here, then I would go mad and crave it. BUT I can reduce, and when I do have a glass of wine I make sure I enjoy it!

  • emjaybeb
    emjaybeb Posts: 58 Member
    Yes I do, I have an 8 hour window to eat which I'm finding just right for me. I'm on a low carb no crap IF
    The weight is coming off, clothes feel better. So for me, it works 😊🎉 xx