Omada Health Participants?

Anyone here using Omada and seeking more support? I'm in the early weeks of the program and am happy with it except that my group is really quiet, which is so disheartening. Maybe we could form our own little MFP Omada group here?


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    What's omada?
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Its an online weight loss program offered through health insurance companies.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Oh, thanks.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am in the 2nd part of the program. My Omaha group was quiet too and wouldn't have lost weight with just that program. Take what you can from the lessons and keep on in here 😊
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you idon'tcare. OK, good advice, thank you. I was thinking that my group was a dud--but, maybe that's just how people are. I guess you can't automatically assume everyone wants to engage with strangers.

    By the second part of the program, do you mean week 17 or beyond? What does that entail? Continuing to log and to weigh in? Do you still get coaching support?
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Folks who check into this thread: please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,848 Member
    You get some really quick abbreviated lessons and then it's just checking in with the community, where groups go when they finish. The coach posts once per week and you can still talk to them, weigh in, track food, etc
  • KGoestel
    KGoestel Posts: 1 Member
    My husband and I just started a couple weeks ago. We like it, but you’re right, the support groups aren’t very active. We do do/use the lessons, weigh ourselves every morning and are part of the Engage 28 days walking challenge. Would love to find more friends so we can cheer/root and support each other!
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't checked this thread in awhile. I'm not accustomed to using the "check my discussions" link, which I will do more often now. Thank you everyone!
  • BeerGirl333
    BeerGirl333 Posts: 37 Member
    I just applied for this program throughmy insurance. I haven't been formally accepted yet, but am curious about it. Does anyone else have insight/info that they would like to share? i.e. was it worth doing?