New in San Diego breakfast help?

Hey guys just starting to mess with the community here and finding it great! I like many others am just trying to lose the last 10-15 lbs and am just now realizing that I need to really count my cals and excersize seriously to do it .

Anyway I have a question... lately I have been addicted to having the same breakfast every day: 2 eggs overeasy 2 slices of bacon and toast with coffee. It usually is around 470 cals or so. Is this sabotaging my diet??? It's so good!

I have been trying to burn off 1200 cals a day (sedentary 2200 burned, eat 1800 cals, excersize 800) and have lost 2.8 pounds in the last 9 days or so. Any tips on helping my weight loss come along? I kinda feel like I should have lost more by now.

Anyway I would love to find people in the area to maybe go to the gym or out walking/ running with? Or please just add me as a friend on here.


  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I eat the same thing every morning most of the time and I still lose weight.

    Losing 2.8 pounds in a little over a week is actually a good number. It's more then I can lose in 9 days time!
  • Tyler477
    Tyler477 Posts: 23 Member
    thanks for the feedback that breakfast is sooo good! It's hard to resist it :/

    yeah I suppose I should be happy with my current weight loss!
  • Hey, Your wight loss sounds great. Too fast and your asking for trouble. If you love those eggs, try one egg white with two whole eggs. or one whole egg. you wont notice the difference. Try turkey bacon (waaay better in the opinion of my carnivore husband and me whose a little more meat shy) and sara lee makes this great bread-it only has 45 cals a slice i think and like 1 gram of fat or somthing great like that. put peanut butter on it unless you're a dipper like me :) then you can use some low fat butter (check the search thingy for butter and then look at the nutritional info to select the lowest or lower fat content. that should help. im having trouble with breakfst too. i usually have toast and peanut butter but im going to add some egg white in there.
  • Hey Tyler,
    I hear ya on the weight loss challenge. This site alone has been a huge help in keeping track of my calories taken in and the amount of calories going out. The other thing that has really expedited my overall weight loss has been a product by a company called Monavie. It is the RVL weight management program. I started out on the RVL program at 227lbs (this was back in Jan), and currently holding around 200 and still doing down.

    I am going to attach the website for you to look at, and see what you think. Stuff is all natrual and absolutely AMAZING!!!

    click on the "products" link to read about the products themselves
    click on the "Success Stories" to hear about all the amazing stories people are having.

    Let me know what you think!

    Hope you have a great weekend, and keep up the good work on your weight loss!

    Rob in Arizona!
  • Tyler477
    Tyler477 Posts: 23 Member
    thanks for the replies guys! mona vie eh? I'm always wary about those 'protein shake' things... they always seem like a scam.

    Anyway excellent tips on the breakfast! I usually use sprouted wheat bread ( 80 cals) and the bacon I use is sliced very thin at only 40 cals a slice... only 10 more than the turkey bacon! I get it at costco.

    The entire brekky is about 430 cals so I don;t feel too bad about it. But I may try the egg whites instead.

    Still looking for more friends on here! loving the support.