App Syncing?

Hey guys I'm having trouble syncing Samsung Health with MFP. Any tips? I tried disconnecting and reconnecting. I downloaded it so it would sync my steps with MFP but it isn't working and is really annoying.


  • shalvy2007
    shalvy2007 Posts: 130 Member
    I have the same issue with Samsung Health and MFP with trying to sync the steps and even contacted customer service a couple years ago with no actual real reply from them to fix it they directed me to discussions and about recovering username/password that didn't even relate to my question about the steps not syncing and getting an error message when I click on the steps portion of the app. A little frustrating, would be interested if anyone else was able to get this resolved.
  • sarahwinston2
    sarahwinston2 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for responding!