6'3, 270 lb M shooting for 220lb.

Looking for any guys out there who started size as me, and managed to reach their goal. How did you do it? Did you lose muscle?


  • miekespruit
    miekespruit Posts: 2 Member
    I am female 269 lb , 6,3 ... goal is 220 lb .... :)
    Been strength training and now adding more cardio in since I finally got more time to do that!
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    I’m about 6’2.5” and started my journey at 308 lbs. I’m now 59 years old; started about 22 months ago and down to 203 lbs and holding below 205 for like six months. I lost about 60 lbs in my first eight months and then it went slower.
    My goal was 195 and I reached it for a short time but I am more focused on workout type goals now than weight. So I’ve been gaining weight slightly but getting stronger for a few months.

    It worked for me this time because I viewed this as a lifestyle change- not a diet and not a short term weight goal. In the past I had done crazy stuff- went to the gym 100 days in a row to lose forty pounds, only to gain it back again etc.

    This time- I started out by exercising- joined a gym program (I do CrossFit but any regular workouts that you like should help). Then I started to feel better and also I realized how hard you have to work to burn the calories in just a cookie! So I started to eat cleaner- less in general and better stuff. I didn’t log food until I was well on my way. It helps a lot. I lost weight quickly but in fits and spurts like everyone here says.

    Did I lose muscle mass? yes! But wayyyyy more fat. My guess is that I lost about 25%muscle and 75%fat during the process. So roughly 25-30 lbs of muscle mass. Remember- just carrying weight increases muscle mass especially in your lower body where your big muscles live.
    Am I stronger now than I was? Absolutely. Part of my exercise is lifting weights and I’m far better now. Particularly on the high rep low weight stuff.
    Do I have better endurance- way way way!!
    Can I do more things- yes!! I always loved doing home improvements but hadn’t done any for years. Now I do everything again. With vigor!!
    In the gym I can do rope climbs, box jumps, good solid squats, heavy kettlebell swings etc. I couldn’t even do one solid push-up at the beginning.
    Do I have better muscle definition even though I lost some muscle mass? amazing how much! I can see my quads, hamstrings, biceps etc. - haven’t seen these old friends for years.
    Do I crave junk food? Yes. I’m still a long way from clean eating but getting better still.
    Do I enjoy working out? Yes- I love it now. But starting is definitely the hardest part. I was so sore in the beginning, and embarrassed that I had let myself go so much. But push through- it is so worth it.

    Am I “there”yet? No. This is a lifelong journey. I’d still like to be below 18% fat, I still want to quit smoking, I still want to eat better than I do. But I’m on my way. Now I also have new goals- want to deadlift more, want to do more pull-ups etc.

    If you’re worried about muscle loss be sure to incorporate some resistance training.

    Anything I can do to help just let me know.
  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    I did this five years ago and kept it off for 4. I had a few stumbling blocks the last year but when I did it I was 290 and got down to 225 in 6 months. 1st 3 months w/o any exercise. Cheat meal every Sunday to give me something to look forward to.
  • noelkro80
    noelkro80 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi, I’m also 6ft 3in & I started at 318lbs & my goal weight is 196lbs. (Currently 303lbs after 4 weeks)
  • LargeEricS
    LargeEricS Posts: 109 Member
    Long story bare with me. I'm around 6'3.5 and 2 yrs ago(2017-18) I was 285lbs got down to 225 from March to September, over the winter(2018-19) got all the way back up to 265 and this past summer got back 230. I'm now back to 250 and it sucks. I've done it all to lose the weight. The first go around I just logged my meals with measuring cups before switching to a scale when I started to plateau. I did do insanity, which was hard as hell but rewarding, before switching to just going to the gym for the remaining 3 months. When at the gym I lifted hard to try and maintain muscle. I didn't think it worked the best, but fast forward to this past summer I tried way more cardio to try and cut the weight faster and I lost a ton of muscle. To sum it up log, do some for exercise even if for 15-20min, and lift to preserve muscle. But at the end of the day you will lose sum muscle, how much is up to you. Add me if you want I'm starting up my diet and exercise routines again and going to try one last go around before I just accept it hahaha. Life's short, more than dieting every summer. We can keep each other accountable, and bounce ideas off each other.