LADIES hormone injection or inplant???

Hi ladies I have two beautiful children and am very lucky :-)
However im not planning anymore right now or the near future or if at all as i have my hands full! I want to get the hormone injection or inplant but am worried as several people I know have said they gained a ton of weight!! now obvoiusly im on this site trying to lose weight (gained while preggers) so if this is true I dont think I'd want to risk that method of contraception.
But at the same time my first was unplanned on the pill (never forgot to take it) but didnt know antibiotics can stop it working best accident of my life, second was planned and happened on first try so now I just want to be careful and would really like the peace of mind these methods of contraception bring but with out the weight gain!!
So please anyone on it or know anyone who has, does it make you fat?? Thank you


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I had the injection many years ago and thought it was the most horrible thing I had ever done. I am sensitive to hormones anyway and PMS 10 days out of every 30, but that DepoProvera shot made me PMS to the max ALL 90 days. It was truly evil. I ended up using a diaphragm until I had my tubes tied.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey, I have an implant in my arm and have done for several years. Best decision ever, I love it!

    I have never gained any weight I can attribute to it. I got it because it is a lower dose of hormones in your blood stream (because they are there all the time) and so there are LESS side effects than the pill. As a person who gets focal migraines this was really important as it reduced my risk of blook clots. It also means that all other side effects (weight gain, skin etc) have been non exististent for me.

    The only 2 things with the implant are that you still get your period (i.e. you can't control it like you can on the pill) and it's longevitiy changes with your weight i.e. the heavier you are the shorter it will last. If you've got any questions I'd be happy to answer for me but you should definitely chat to your doctor! :)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    My favorite form of birth control is the vasectomy. ;)
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I gained 15 pounds on Depo Provera injection and though I haven't had it in 5 months, I am having a hell of a time getting the weight back off. I know others who have gained 30 or 40 pounds. I have no experiences with the implant but I did have an IUD after the birth of my child (little T shaped contraption that fits in your cervix and lasts five years). I didn't have problems with weight gain at all, but I did have some serious acne and pelvic pain, so I had it removed, but I have friends who love it.
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    I had the injection many years ago and thought it was the most horrible thing I had ever done. I am sensitive to hormones anyway and PMS 10 days out of every 30, but that DepoProvera shot made me PMS to the max ALL 90 days. It was truly evil. I ended up using a diaphragm until I had my tubes tied.

    That sounds awful poor you it sucks what us women have to put up with each month and its us that have to deal with the contraception
    when will they invent a pill for men!!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I'm a fan of condoms.
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey, I have an implant in my arm and have done for several years. Best decision ever, I love it!

    I have never gained any weight I can attribute to it. I got it because it is a lower dose of hormones in your blood stream (because they are there all the time) and so there are LESS side effects than the pill. As a person who gets focal migraines this was really important as it reduced my risk of blook clots. It also means that all other side effects (weight gain, skin etc) have been non exististent for me.

    The only 2 things with the implant are that you still get your period (i.e. you can't control it like you can on the pill) and it's longevitiy changes with your weight i.e. the heavier you are the shorter it will last. If you've got any questions I'd be happy to answer for me but you should definitely chat to your doctor! :)
    that sounds very positive how long does it last and does it help with cramps or is it just the same each month but your protected from getting preggers? I may opt for this as much as the injection sounds great not having a period at all (and who would want one) it does seem for natural to put up with it. Glad to hear some one say it doesnt cause weight gain.Iv talked with doctor she said none of them make you gain weight i just wonder why so many girls say it does.
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    My favorite form of birth control is the vasectomy. ;)
    Ha ha me too in the long term but im only 27 and although i dont think I want anymore right now Id never say never just yet although my partner has said he would do it!!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    depo is evil dont get it. I know many who have and have had issues years later.

    the implanon is relatively good if you don't get side effect or the IUD has the same hormones localised so less side effects from the hormones but it can cause infections and other complications to the uterus.

    period well that is up to how your body is. some ladies get none some get the same as before. I had none for a year then every two years for a year then normal. This is my forth year and I am still normal. It is just up to your body how it handles the hormones.
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a fan of condoms.

    Me TOO but apparently "it doesnt feel as good" is what I get told so he doesnt like them!! LOL
    plus they can split so not 100%
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    I gained 15 pounds on Depo Provera injection and though I haven't had it in 5 months, I am having a hell of a time getting the weight back off. I know others who have gained 30 or 40 pounds. I have no experiences with the implant but I did have an IUD after the birth of my child (little T shaped contraption that fits in your cervix and lasts five years). I didn't have problems with weight gain at all, but I did have some serious acne and pelvic pain, so I had it removed, but I have friends who love it.
    thank you for sharing your experience on the injection have to say it seems people have found it horrible the inplant seems to be the safer choice at the moment
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    I gained 15 pounds on Depo Provera injection and though I haven't had it in 5 months, I am having a hell of a time getting the weight back off. I know others who have gained 30 or 40 pounds. I have no experiences with the implant but I did have an IUD after the birth of my child (little T shaped contraption that fits in your cervix and lasts five years). I didn't have problems with weight gain at all, but I did have some serious acne and pelvic pain, so I had it removed, but I have friends who love it.
    thank you for sharing your experience on the injection have to say it seems people have found it horrible the inplant seems to be the safer choice at the moment
  • ginny1214
    I've been on all! Lol! I have the implanon right now, had it for 17 mos total. Love it and actually no weight gain and me losing this 22 lbs has been easy, so not impairing that. No even pregnanciy scares. Periods are irratic but short :)
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for your advice the implant seems to have been more positive for people who try it and I think Im going to do it
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    I gained 15 pounds on Depo Provera injection and though I haven't had it in 5 months, I am having a hell of a time getting the weight back off. I know others who have gained 30 or 40 pounds. I have no experiences with the implant but I did have an IUD after the birth of my child (little T shaped contraption that fits in your cervix and lasts five years). I didn't have problems with weight gain at all, but I did have some serious acne and pelvic pain, so I had it removed, but I have friends who love it.

    That is what i had heard from others the doc told me none of them make you gain weight but obviously they do or there wouldnt be so many women say it does! good luck losing the weight hun :-)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Hey, I have an implant in my arm and have done for several years. Best decision ever, I love it!

    I have never gained any weight I can attribute to it.

    The only 2 things with the implant are that you still get your period (i.e. you can't control it like you can on the pill) and it's longevitiy changes with your weight i.e. the heavier you are the shorter it will last.

    I don't get periods at all. Its different for everyone - but yeah - you can't control them... so if you do get them thats a bummer!

    I have the IMPLANON implant
  • MissInce26
    MissInce26 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks acidaloha Im feeling good about trying the implant now !