
Ihave been overweight most of my life and would love to lose weight. I just can't seem to get motivated, Help!


  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Welcome! You are in the right place. Look around and start using the tools. Start out by entering in all of your info and then just log everything you eat/drink. When I started, I didn't really focus on totals, just logged everything for a couple of days and I was shocked at how much I actually consumed. From there it was pretty easy to get motivated.

    Lots of support and good ideas/tips here, so keep coming back, and good luck!
  • piratejny
    piratejny Posts: 2 Member

    I have had the same problem since I was young too. I had a brief period in my teens, where I kinda stretched out, but the weight eventually crept back on.

    I can say I have had weight loss before but it was always this jumble of diet and exercise that worked for a bit, but then as life changed, the weight would came back.

    Fast-forward to 3 months ago, I met with a new doctor who told me to ignore exercise and focus on my diet. His point of view was that weight is completely influenced by food intake. Reduce my food intake and weight will come off.

    Coming across MFP has been a huge help for me. At times I feel like Im being a little obsessive about always entering my food intake, but using the tools in here have helped me lose 30 pounds so far and I think I really might have a change at reaching my overall goal of nearly 100 pounds!

    I think that 30 pounds is only 1/3 of the way, but I feel so much better about myself that its amazing. Hang in there, I wish you success!!
