neeed some helppp plz

hey i have just started 2 weeks ago and so far i feell great ..still..l always have a question in mind ....

wht happns whn i take less than 1200 c a day? cause i eat 700-900 a day and i do a lot of excercise 2 but i dont feel eatin more ...

will i still lose weight ?

if any 1 is doin the same plz let me no if u still lose weight ...

have a great day =D


  • eves5ks
    eves5ks Posts: 7 Member
    You will lose weight, quickly, but, when you hit a plateau it will be hard to get past it. Plus, when you start eating normally, you will gain weight back quickly.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    If you lose weight, it is likely lean muscle mass. I just don't think that is enough to function. You may lose at first.. however you body will rebel.

    Another question is do you think this is sustainable for you? If not, it is only a temporary loss.

    I hope you find a groove that works for you. = )
  • eves5ks
    eves5ks Posts: 7 Member
    I have been there. Lost a lot of weight and gained it all back because I lost 70lbs in 5 months. Way too fast
  • naina2006
    thx 4 the reply .........

    i think i should start eating 1200 c. a day otherwise i ll gain it all back ..